UCI machine learning repositoryで公開されているデータセットを一覧にまとめ、機械翻訳を交えて日本語化し掲載します。データセットのサンプルを探す参考にしていただければ幸いです。

確認日: 2025/01/01
データセット数: 695




UbiqLog (smartphone lifelogging)
Causal-Discovery / Multivariate / 9780000 Instances
UbiqLog is the smartphone lifelogging tool that runs on the smartphone of 35 users for about 2 months.
Causal-Discovery / Multivariate / 11160000 Instances / 128 Features
In SIFT10M, each data point is a SIFT feature which is extracted from Caltech-256 by the open source VLFeat library. The corresponding patches of the SIFT features are provided.
Abscisic Acid Signaling Network
Causal-Discovery / Multivariate / 300 Instances / 43 Features
The objective is to determine the set of boolean rules that describe the interactions of the nodes within this plant signaling network. The dataset includes 300 separate boolean pseudodynamic simulations using an asynchronous update scheme.

Multivariate, Time-Series

Horton General Hospital
Causal-Discovery / Multivariate, Time-Series / 139 Instances / 6 Features
Horton General Hospital is in the town Banbury not far from Oxford, UK.
Horton General Hospitalは、イギリスのオックスフォードからそう遠くないバンベリーという町にあります。



USPTO Algorithm Challenge, run by NASA-Harvard Tou
Classification / Domain-Theory / 306 Instances / 5 Features
Data used for USPTO Algorithm Competition. Contains drawing pages from US patents with manually labeled figure and part labels.
USPTO Algorithm Challenge, run by NASA-Harvard Tou
Classification / Domain-Theory / 306 Instances / 5 Features
Data used for USPTO Algorithm Competition. Contains drawing pages from US patents with manually labeled figure and part labels.
Pat: USPTOアルゴリズムコンペで使用されたデータ。米国特許の図面ページが含まれており、手動で図や部品のラベルが付けられています。


Volcanoes on Venus – JARtool experiment
Classification / Image / 1 Instances
The JARtool project was a pioneering effort to develop an automatic system for cataloging small volcanoes in the large set of Venus images returned by the Magellan spacecraft.
Classification / Image / 4750 Instances
An image classification dataset of waste items across 9 major material types, collected within an authentic landfill environment.
NASA Flood Extent Detection
Classification / Image / 50000 Instances
This dataset contains synthetic aperture radar (SAR) raster imagery for various flood events acquired from the European Space Agencys Sentinel-1A and Sentinel-1B missions, providing C-Band dual-polarized imagery that spans geographical areas of interest in the United States and Bangladesh. The main emphasis was on the labeling of open water areas where specular reflection of the radar signal off of the relatively still, flat open water surface results in reduced backscatter, low amplitude, and an overall darkened appearance within the image. The labels for the water surface reflectance are also provided in GeoTiff rasterized file format in scenes aligned with the SAR source raster imagery.
MNIST Database of Handwritten Digits
Classification / Image / 70000 Instances
Well-known database of 70,000 handwritten digits (10 class labels) with each example represented as an image of 28 x 28 gray-scale pixels.
Classification / Image / 14000000 Instances
A well-known large-scale image classification dataset with between 1000 and 20000 class labels and multiple million images.
Classification / Image / 9110 Instances
DeFungi is a dataset for direct mycological examination of microscopic fungi images. The images are from superficial fungal infections caused by yeasts, moulds, or dermatophyte fungi. The images have been manually labelled into five classes and curated with a subject matter expert assistance. The images have been cropped with automated algorithms to produce the final dataset.
CMU Face Images
Classification / Image / 640 Instances
This data consists of 640 black and white face images of people taken with varying pose (straight, left, right, up), expression (neutral, happy, sad, angry), eyes (wearing sunglasses or not), and size
Classification / Image / 60000 Instances
A well-known image classification dataset, 10 classes, 32 x 32 pixel images.
An eye on the vine – a dataset for fungi segmentat
Classification / Image / 1310 Instances
This dataset is intended to help solving the problem of pathogen segmentation in fluorescence microscopy images of vine wood.Because there is no dataset available to cast the problem into a supervised framework, this dataset provides a collection of realistic images based on the knowledge of the image formation model in fluorescence microscopy.
An eye on the vine – a dataset for fungi segmentat
Classification / Image / 1310 Instances
This dataset is intended to help solving the problem of pathogen segmentation in fluorescence microscopy images of vine wood. Because there is no dataset available to cast the problem into a supervised framework, this dataset provides a collection of realistic images based on the knowledge of the image formation model in fluorescence microscopy.


ser Knowledge Modeling Data (Students’ Knowledge L
Classification / Multivariate / 403 Instances / 5 Features
The dataset is about the users’ learning activities and knowledge levels on subjects of DC Electrical Machines. The dataset had been obtained from online web-courses and reported in my Ph.D. Thesis.
このデータセットは、DC Electrical Machinesの主題に関するユーザーの学習活動と知識レベルに関するものです。データセットはオンラインのウェブコースから取得し、私の博士論文で報告しました。
ser Knowledge Modeling Data (Students’ Knowledge L
Classification / Multivariate / 403 Instances / 5 Features
The dataset is about the users’ learning activities and knowledge levels on subjects of DC Electrical Machines. The dataset had been obtained from online web-courses and reported in my Ph.D. Thesis.
Classification / Multivariate / 2580 Instances / 19 Features
The data describe the problem of high energy (higher than 10^4 J) seismic bumps forecasting in a coal mine. Data come from two of longwalls located in a Polish coal mine.
データは、炭鉱における高エネルギー(10^4 J以上)の地震バンプ予測の問題を記述しています。データはポーランドの炭鉱にある2つのロングウォールから得られたものです。
p53 Mutants
Classification / Multivariate / 16770 Instances / 5410 Features
The goal is to model mutant p53 transcriptional activity (active vs inactive) based on data extracted from biophysical simulations.
Classification / Multivariate / 101 Instances / 16 Features
Artificial, 7 classes of animals
Classification / Multivariate / 1480 Instances / 8 Features
Predicting the Cellular Localization Sites of Proteins
Wireless Indoor Localization
Classification / Multivariate / 2000 Instances / 7 Features
Collected in indoor space by observing signal strengths of seven WiFi signals visible on a smartphone. The decision variable is one of the four rooms.
Classification / Multivariate / 4890 Instances / 6 Features
High-resolution Remote Sensing data set (Quickbird). Small number of training samples of diseased trees, large number for other land cover. Testing data set from stratified random sample of image.
Wheat Kernels
Classification / Multivariate / 314 Instances / 15 Features
Measurements of morphological descriptors of wheat kernels from Punjab State. A machine Learning based technique was used to extract 15 features, all are real valued attributes
Weight Lifting Exercises monitored with Inertial M
Classification / Multivariate / 39240 Instances
Six young health subjects were asked to perform 5 variations of the biceps curl weight lifting exercise. One of the variations is the one predicted by the health professional.
Weight Lifting Exercises monitored with Inertial M
Classification / Multivariate / 39240 Instances
Six young health subjects were asked to perform 5 variations of the biceps curl weight lifting exercise. One of the variations is the one predicted by the health professional.
Website Phishing
Classification / Multivariate / 1350 Instances / 10 Features
Vertebral Column
Classification / Multivariate / 310 Instances
Data set containing values for six biomechanical features used to classify orthopaedic patients into 3 classes (normal, disk hernia or spondilolysthesis) or 2 classes (normal or abnormal).
Urban Land Cover
Classification / Multivariate / 168 Instances / 148 Features
Classification of urban land cover using high resolution aerial imagery. Intended to assist sustainable urban planning efforts.
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Intrusion Detection
Classification / Multivariate / 17260 Instances / 55 Features
For UAV identification, each input is an encrypted WiFi traffic record while the output is whether the current traffic is from a UAV or not. Meta-info on attribute relationship is also provided.
Classification / Multivariate / 285 Instances / 17 Features
Data in original (LISP-readable) form
Ultrasonic flowmeter diagnostics
Classification / Multivariate / 540 Instances / 173 Features
Fault diagnosis of four liquid ultrasonic flowmeters
Turkish Music Emotion
Classification / Multivariate / 400 Instances / 50 Features
There are four different classes of music emotions in the dataset: happy, sad, angry, and relax.
Classification / Multivariate / 10 Instances / 32 Features
2 data formats (structured, one-instance-per-line)
Tic-Tac-Toe Endgame
Classification / Multivariate / 958 Instances / 9 Features
Binary classification task on possible configurations of tic-tac-toe game
Thoracic Surgery Data
Classification / Multivariate / 470 Instances / 16 Features
The data is dedicated to classification problem related to the post-operative life expectancy in the lung cancer patients: class 1 – death within one year after surgery, class 2 – survival.
このデータは、肺がん患者の術後平均余命に関連する分類問題に特化しています:クラス1 -手術後1年以内の死亡、クラス2 -生存。
Teaching Assistant Evaluation
Classification / Multivariate / 151 Instances / 5 Features
The data consist of evaluations of teaching performance; scores are “low”, “medium”, or “high”
Taiwanese Bankruptcy Prediction
Classification / Multivariate / 6820 Instances / 96 Features
The data were collected from the Taiwan Economic Journal for the years 1999 to 2009. Company bankruptcy was defined based on the business regulations of the Taiwan Stock Exchange.
TUANDROMD (Tezpur University Android Malware Datas
Classification / Multivariate / 4460 Instances / 241 Features
TUNADROMD dataset contains 4465 instances and 241 attributes. The target attribute for classification is a category (malware vs goodware). (N.B. This is the preprocessed version of TUANDROMD)
Swarm Behaviour
Classification / Multivariate / 24020 Instances / 2400 Features
This dataset achieved from an online survey, which is run by UNSW, Australia. It contains three data of ‘ Flocking – Not Flocking’, ‘Aligned – Not Aligned’, and ‘Grouped – Not Grouped’.
Student Performance on an Entrance Examination
Classification / Multivariate / 666 Instances / 11 Features
This dataset contains data of the candidates who qualified the medical entrance examination for admission to medical colleges of Assam of a particular year and collected by Prof. Jiten Hazarika.
このデータセットは、Jiten Hazarika教授が収集した、特定の年のアッサム州の医科大学入学試験に合格した受験者のデータを含んでいます。
Student Academics Performance
Classification / Multivariate / 300 Instances / 22 Features
The dataset tried to find the end semester percentage prediction based on different social, economic and academic attributes.
Steel Plates Faults
Classification / Multivariate / 1940 Instances / 27 Features
A dataset of steel plates’ faults, classified into 7 different types. The goal was to train machine learning for automatic pattern recognition.
Statlog (Vehicle Silhouettes)
Classification / Multivariate / 946 Instances / 18 Features
3D objects within a 2D image by application of an ensemble of shape feature extractors to the 2D silhouettes of the objects.
Statlog (Shuttle)
Classification / Multivariate / 58000 Instances / 8 Features
The shuttle dataset contains 9 attributes all of which are numerical. Approximately 80% of the data belongs to class 1
Statlog (Landsat Satellite)
Classification / Multivariate / 6440 Instances / 36 Features
Multi-spectral values of pixels in 3×3 neighbourhoods in a satellite image, and the classification associated with the central pixel in each neighbourhood
Statlog (Image Segmentation)
Classification / Multivariate / 2310 Instances / 19 Features
This dataset is an image segmentation database similar to a database already present in the repository (Image segmentation database) but in a slightly different form.
このデータセットは、既にリポジトリに存在するデータベース(Image segmentation database)に似た画像分割データベースであるが、少し異なる形式のものです。
Statlog (Heart)
Classification / Multivariate / 270 Instances
This dataset is a heart disease database similar to a database already present in the repository (Heart Disease databases) but in a slightly different form
Statlog (Australian Credit Approval)
Classification / Multivariate / 690 Instances / 14 Features
This file concerns credit card applications. This database exists elsewhere in the repository (Credit Screening Database) in a slightly different form
このファイルは、クレジットカードの申請に関するものです。このデータベースは、リポジトリ内の別の場所に存在しています(Credit Screening Database)。
Speaker Accent Recognition
Classification / Multivariate / 329 Instances / 12 Features
Data set featuring single English words read by speakers from six different countries for accent detection and recognition
Classification / Multivariate / 4600 Instances / 57 Features
Classifying Email as Spam or Non-Spam
Soybean (Small)
Classification / Multivariate / 47 Instances / 35 Features
Michalski’s famous soybean disease database
Soybean (Large)
Classification / Multivariate / 307 Instances / 35 Features
Michalski’s famous soybean disease database
Shuttle Landing Control
Classification / Multivariate / 15 Instances / 6 Features
Tiny database; all nominal values
Shoulder Implant X-Ray Manufacturer Classification
Classification / Multivariate / 597 Instances / 1 Features
597 de-identified raw X-ray scans of implanted shoulder prostheses from four manufacturers.
Sepsis Survival Minimal Clinical Records
Classification / Multivariate / 110340 Instances / 3 Features
The dataset consists of 110,204 admissions of 84,811 hospitalized subjects between 2011 and 2012 in Norway who were diagnosed with infections, systemic inflammatory response syndrome, sepsis by causative microbes, or septic shock. The prediction task is to determine whether a patient survived or is deceased at a time of about 9 days after collecting their medical record at the hospital.This is an important prediction problem in clinical medicine. Sepsis is a life-threatening condition triggered by an immune overreaction to infection, leading to organ failure or even death. Sepsis is associated with immediate death risk, often killing patients within one hour. This renders many laboratory tests and hospital analyses impractical for timely diagnosis and treatment. Being able to predict the survival of patients within minutes with as few and easy-to-retrieve medical features as possible is very important.
Semeion Handwritten Digit
Classification / Multivariate / 1590 Instances / 256 Features
1593 handwritten digits from around 80 persons were scanned, stretched in a rectangular box 16×16 in a gray scale of 256 values.
Sattriya_Dance_Single_Hand_Gestures Dataset
Classification / Multivariate / 1450 Instances
The Sattriya_Dance_Single_Hand_Gestures dataset contains 1450 images of 29 Sattriya dance single-hand gestures consisting 50 samples from each hasta.
Classification / Multivariate / 267 Instances
Data on cardiac Single Proton Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT) images. Each patient classified into two categories: normal and abnormal.
Classification / Multivariate / 267 Instances
Data on cardiac Single Proton Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT) images. Each patient classified into two categories: normal and abnormal.
Rice Leaf Diseases
Classification / Multivariate / 120 Instances
There are three classes/diseases: Bacterial leaf blight, Brown spot, and Leaf smut, each having 40 images. The format of all images is jpg.
3つのクラス/疾患があります。Bacterial leaf blight、Brown spot、Leaf smutの3つのクラス/疾患があり、それぞれ40枚の画像があります。すべての画像のフォーマットはjpgです。
Rice (Cammeo and Osmancik)
Classification / Multivariate / 3810 Instances / 7 Features
A total of 3810 rice grain’s images were taken for the two species, processed and feature inferences were made. 7 morphological features were obtained for each grain of rice.
Reuters RCV1 RCV2 Multilingual, Multiview Text Cat
Classification / Multivariate / 111740 Instances
This test collection contains feature characteristics of documents originally written in five different languages and their translations, over a common set of 6 categories.
Reuters RCV1 RCV2 Multilingual, Multiview Text Cat
Classification / Multivariate / 111740 Instances
This test collection contains feature characteristics of documents originally written in five different languages and their translations, over a common set of 6 categories.
このテスト コレクションには、もともと5つの異なる言語で書かれたドキュメントとその翻訳の特徴特性が、共通の6つのカテゴリのセットに含まれています。
Refractive errors
Classification / Multivariate / 467 Instances / 79 Features
Effect of life style and genetic on eye refractive errors.
Record Linkage Comparison Patterns
Classification / Multivariate / 5750000 Instances / 12 Features
Element-wise comparison of records with personal data from a record linkage setting. The task is to decide from a comparison pattern whether the underlying records belong to one person.
Classification / Multivariate / 900 Instances / 8 Features
Images of the Kecimen and Besni raisin varieties were obtained with CVS. A total of 900 raisins were used, including 450 from both varieties, and 7 morphological features were extracted.
Classification / Multivariate / 2000 Instances / 6830 Features
REJAFADA (Retrieval of Jar Files Applied to Dynamic Analysis) aims to be used, as benchmark, to check the quality of the detection of Jar malware.
REJAFADA (動的分析に適用されたJarファイルの取得)は、Jarマルウェアの検出品質をチェックするためのベンチマークとして使用することを目的としています。
Quality Assessment of Digital Colposcopies
Classification / Multivariate / 287 Instances
This dataset explores the subjective quality assessment of digital colposcopies.
Classification / Multivariate / 250 Instances / 7 Features
Predict the Bankruptcy from Qualitative parameters from experts.
QSAR oral toxicity
Classification / Multivariate / 8990 Instances / 1020 Features
Data set containing values for 1024 binary attributes (molecular fingerprints) used to classify 8992 chemicals into 2 classes (very toxic/positive, not very toxic/negative)
QSAR biodegradation
Classification / Multivariate / 1060 Instances / 41 Features
Data set containing values for 41 attributes (molecular descriptors) used to classify 1055 chemicals into 2 classes (ready and not ready biodegradable).
QSAR androgen receptor
Classification / Multivariate / 1690 Instances / 1020 Features
1024 binary attributes (molecular fingerprints) used to classify 1687 chemicals into 2 classes (binder to androgen receptor/positive, non-binder to androgen receptor /negative)
PubChem Bioassay Data
Classification / Multivariate
These highly imbalanced bioassay datasets are from the differing types of screening that can be performed using HTS technology. 21 datasets were created from 12 bioassays.
Primary Tumor
Classification / Multivariate / 339 Instances
From Ljubljana Oncology Institute
Post-Operative Patient
Classification / Multivariate / 90 Instances
Dataset of patient features
Polish Companies Bankruptcy
Classification / Multivariate / 10500 Instances
The dataset is about bankruptcy prediction of Polish companies.The bankrupt companies were analyzed in the period 2000-2012, while the still operating companies were evaluated from 2007 to 2013.
Poker Hand
Classification / Multivariate / 1030000 Instances / 11 Features
Purpose is to predict poker hands
Pittsburgh Bridges
Classification / Multivariate / 108 Instances / 13 Features
Bridges database that has original and numeric-discretized datasets
Physical Unclonable Functions
Classification / Multivariate / 6000000 Instances / 129 Features
The dataset is generated from Physical Unclonable Functions (PUFs) simulation, specifically XOR Arbiter PUFs. PUFs are used for authentication purposes. For more info, refer to our paper below.
Person Classification Gait Data
Classification / Multivariate / 48 Instances / 321 Features
Gait is considered a biometric criterion. Therefore, we tried to classify people with gait analysis with this gait data set.
Pen-Based Recognition of Handwritten Digits
Classification / Multivariate / 10990 Instances / 16 Features
Digit database of 250 samples from 44 writers
Classification / Multivariate / 197 Instances
Oxford Parkinson’s Disease Detection Dataset
Parkinson’s Disease Classification
Classification / Multivariate / 756 Instances / 754 Features
The data used in this study were gathered from 188 patients with PD (107 men and 81 women) with ages ranging from 33 to 87 (65.1±10.9).
Parkinson Dataset with replicated acoustic feature
Classification / Multivariate / 240 Instances
Contains acoustic features extracted from 3 voice recording replications of the sustained /a/ phonation for each one of the 80 subjects (40 of them with Parkinson’s Disease).
Page Blocks Classification
Classification / Multivariate / 5470 Instances / 10 Features
The problem consists of classifying all the blocks of the page layout of a document that has been detected by a segmentation process.
Optical Recognition of Handwritten Digits
Classification / Multivariate / 5620 Instances / 64 Features
Two versions of this database available; see folder
OCT data & Color Fundus Images of Left & Right Eye
Classification / Multivariate / 50 Instances / 2 Features
This dataset contains OCT data (in mat format) and color fundus data (in jpg format) of left & right eyes of 50 healthy persons.
Classification / Multivariate / 12960 Instances / 8 Features
Nursery Database was derived from a hierarchical decision model originally developed to rank applications for nursery schools.
Nasarian CAD Dataset
Classification / Multivariate / 150 Instances / 52 Features
This dataset comprises records of 150 subjects (all male employees in Iran have visited the Abadan Occupational (Industrial) Medicine Clinic) and 52 features.
Myocardial infarction complications
Classification / Multivariate / 1700 Instances / 111 Features
Prediction of myocardial infarction complications
Musk (Version 2)
Classification / Multivariate / 6600 Instances / 168 Features
The goal is to learn to predict whether new molecules will be musks or non-musks
Musk (Version 1)
Classification / Multivariate / 476 Instances / 168 Features
The goal is to learn to predict whether new molecules will be musks or non-musks
Multiple Features
Classification / Multivariate / 2000 Instances / 649 Features
This dataset consists of features of handwritten numerals (`0′–`9′) extracted from a collection of Dutch utility maps
MiniBooNE particle identification
Classification / Multivariate / 130070 Instances / 50 Features
This dataset is taken from the MiniBooNE experiment and is used to distinguish electron neutrinos (signal) from muon neutrinos (background).
Classification / Multivariate / 931 Instances / 1300 Features
A dataset to explore machine learning approaches for the identification of microorganisms from mass-spectrometry data.
Classification / Multivariate / 528 Instances / 22 Features
Meta-Data was used in order to give advice about which classification method is appropriate for a particular dataset (taken from results of Statlog project).
Mesothelioma’s disease data set
Classification / Multivariate / 324 Instances / 34 Features
Mesothelioma’s disease data set were prepared at Dicle University Faculty of Medicine in Turkey.Three hundred and twenty-four Mesothelioma patient data. In the dataset, all samples have 34 features.
Mechanical Analysis
Classification / Multivariate / 209 Instances / 8 Features
Fault diagnosis problem of electromechanical devices; also PUMPS DATA SET is newer version with domain theory and results
電気機械装置の故障診断問題; PUMPS DATA SETも新しいバージョンで領域理論と結果を掲載しています。
Maternal Health Risk
Classification / Multivariate / 1010 Instances / 6 Features
Data has been collected from different hospitals, community clinics, maternal health cares from the rural areas of Bangladesh through the IoT based risk monitoring system.
Mammographic Mass
Classification / Multivariate / 961 Instances
Discrimination of benign and malignant mammographic masses based on BI-RADS attributes and the patient’s age.
Malware static and dynamic features VxHeaven and V
Classification / Multivariate / 2960 Instances / 1090 Features
3 datasets: staDynBenignLab.csv, features extracted from 595 files (Win 7 and 8); staDynVxHeaven2698Lab.csv, from 2698 files of VxHeaven and staDynVt2955Lab.csv,from 2955 files of Virus Total.
3つのデータセット: staDynBenignLab.csv, 595ファイル(Win 7と8)から抽出した特徴量, staDynVxHeaven2698Lab.csv, VxHeavenの2698ファイルから抽出した特徴量, staDynVt2955Lab.csv, Virus Totalの2955ファイルから抽出した特徴量。
Malware static and dynamic features VxHeaven and V
Classification / Multivariate / 2960 Instances / 1090 Features
3 datasets: staDynBenignLab.csv, features extracted from 595 files (Win 7 and 8); staDynVxHeaven2698Lab.csv, from 2698 files of VxHeaven and staDynVt2955Lab.csv,from 2955 files of Virus Total.
3つのデータセット:staDynBenignLab.csv、595ファイルから抽出された機能(Win 7および8)。staDynVxHeaven2698Lab.csv、VxHeavenとstaDynVt2955Lab.csvの2698ファイル、Virus Totalの2955ファイルから。
Classification / Multivariate / 4400 Instances / 500 Features
MADELON is an artificial dataset, which was part of the NIPS 2003 feature selection challenge. This is a two-class classification problem with continuous input variables. The difficulty is that the problem is multivariate and highly non-linear.
MADELONは、2003年のNIPS 2003の特徴選択課題の一部である人工データセットです。連続入力変数を用いた2クラス分類問題です。問題が多変量で非線形性が高いのが難点です。
MONK’s Problems
Classification / Multivariate / 432 Instances / 6 Features
A set of three artificial domains over the same attribute space; Used to test a wide range of induction algorithms
MEU-Mobile KSD
Classification / Multivariate / 2860 Instances / 71 Features
This dataset contains keystroke dynamics data collected on a touch mobile device (Nexus 7). The dataset contains 2856 records, 51 records per subject for 56 subjects.
このデータセットには、タッチモバイルデバイス(Nexus 7)で収集されたキーストロークダイナミクスデータが含まれています。データセットには、56人の被験者に対して1被験者あたり51レコード、2856レコードが含まれています。
MAGIC Gamma Telescope
Classification / Multivariate / 19020 Instances / 10 Features
Data are MC generated to simulate registration of high energy gamma particles in an atmospheric Cherenkov telescope
Classification / Multivariate / 148 Instances
This lymphography domain was obtained from the University Medical Centre, Institute of Oncology, Ljubljana, Yugoslavia. (Restricted access)
このリンパグラフィー領域は、ユーゴスラビアのリュブリャナにある大学医療センター、Institute of Oncology, Ljubljanaから入手しました。(アクセス制限あり)
Lung Cancer
Classification / Multivariate / 32 Instances / 56 Features
Lung cancer data; no attribute definitions
Low Resolution Spectrometer
Classification / Multivariate / 531 Instances / 102 Features
From IRAS data — NASA Ames Research Center
IRASデータより– NASAエイムズ研究センター
Letter Recognition
Classification / Multivariate / 20000 Instances / 16 Features
Database of character image features; try to identify the letter
Classification / Multivariate / 24 Instances / 4 Features
Database for fitting contact lenses
Classification / Multivariate / 340 Instances / 16 Features
This dataset consists in a collection of shape and texture features extracted from digital images of leaf specimens originating from a total of 40 different plant species.
LastFM Asia Social Network
Classification / Multivariate / 7620 Instances / 7840 Features
A social network of LastFM users which was collected from the public API in March 2020.
LastFM Asia Social Network
Classification / Multivariate / 7620 Instances / 7840 Features
A social network of LastFM users from Asian countries. The related task is predicting the country of origin based on social relations and artists liked.
LSVT Voice Rehabilitation
Classification / Multivariate / 126 Instances
126 samples from 14 participants, 309 features. Aim: assess whether voice rehabilitation treatment lead to phonations considered ‘acceptable’ or ‘unacceptable’ (binary class classification problem).
KDD Cup 1999 Data
Classification / Multivariate / 4000000 Instances / 42 Features
This is the data set used for The Third International Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining Tools Competition, which was held in conjunction with KDD-99
Classification / Multivariate / 351 Instances / 34 Features
Classification of radar returns from the ionosphere
Internet Firewall Data
Classification / Multivariate / 65530 Instances / 12 Features
this data set was collected from the internet traffic records on a university’s firewall.
Internet Advertisements
Classification / Multivariate / 3280 Instances / 1560 Features
This dataset represents a set of possible advertisements on Internet pages.
Influenza Outbreak Event Prediction via Twitter
Classification / Multivariate / 75840 Instances / 523 Features
By identifying influenza-related tweets, the goal is to forecast the spatiotemporal patterns of influenza outbreaks for different locations and dates.
In-Vehicle Coupon Recommendation
Classification / Multivariate / 12680 Instances / 23 Features
This data studies whether a person will accept the coupon recommended to him in different driving scenarios
Image Segmentation
Classification / Multivariate / 2310 Instances / 19 Features
Image data described by high-level numeric-valued attributes, 7 classes
Classification / Multivariate / 7800 Instances / 617 Features
Goal: Predict which letter-name was spoken–a simple classification task.
ILPD (Indian Liver Patient Dataset)
Classification / Multivariate / 583 Instances / 10 Features
Death by liver cirrhosis continues to increase, given the increase in alcohol consumption rates, chronic hepatitis infections, and obesity-related liver disease. Notwithstanding the high mortality of this disease, liver diseases do not affect all sub-populations equally. The early detection of pathology is a determinant of patient outcomes, yet female patients appear to be marginalized when it comes to early diagnosis of liver pathology. The dataset comprises 584 patient records collected from the NorthEast of Andhra Pradesh, India.The prediction task is to determine whether a patient suffers from liver disease based on the information about several biochemical markers, including albumin and other enzymes required for metabolism.
Classification / Multivariate / 76000 Instances / 171 Features
The dataset consists of data collected from heavy Scania trucks in everyday usage.
Horse Colic
Classification / Multivariate / 368 Instances / 27 Features
Well documented attributes; 368 instances with 28 attributes (continuous, discrete, and nominal); 30% missing values
Higher Education Students Performance Evaluation
Classification / Multivariate / 145 Instances / 33 Features
The data was collected from the Faculty of Engineering and Faculty of Educational Sciences students in 2019. The purpose is to predict students’ end-of-term performances using ML techniques.
Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) for Egyptian patients
Classification / Multivariate / 1390 Instances / 28 Features
Egyptian patients who underwent treatment dosages for HCV about 18 months. Discretization should be applied based on expert recommendations; there is an attached file shows how.
Classification / Multivariate / 155 Instances / 19 Features
From G.Gong: CMU; Mostly Boolean or numeric-valued attribute types; Includes cost data (donated by Peter Turney)
G.Gongより。CMU;ほとんどがブール値または数値属性型;コストデータを含む(Peter Turney氏寄贈)
Classification / Multivariate / 160 Instances / 5 Features
Topic: human subjects study
Haberman’s Survival
Classification / Multivariate / 306 Instances
Dataset contains cases from study conducted on the survival of patients who had undergone surgery for breast cancer
HIV-1 protease cleavage
Classification / Multivariate / 6590 Instances / 1 Features
The data contains lists of octamers (8 amino acids) and a flag (-1 or 1) depending on whether HIV-1 protease will cleave in the central position (between amino acids 4 and 5).
Classification / Multivariate / 10500000 Instances / 28 Features
The search for exotic particles requires sorting through a large number of collisions to find the events of interest. This data set challenges one to detect a new particle of unknown mass.
HCC Survival
Classification / Multivariate / 165 Instances
Hepatocellular Carcinoma dataset (HCC dataset) was collected at a University Hospital in Portugal. It contains real clinical data of 165 patients diagnosed with HCC.
Glass Identification
Classification / Multivariate / 214 Instances / 9 Features
From USA Forensic Science Service; 6 types of glass; defined in terms of their oxide content (i.e. Na, Fe, K, etc)
Classification / Multivariate / 37700 Instances / 4010 Features
A social network of GitHub users with user-level attributes, connectivity data and a binary target variable.
Classification / Multivariate / 13500 Instances / 5000 Features
GISETTE is a handwritten digit recognition problem. The problem is to separate the highly confusible digits ‘4’ and ‘9’. This dataset is one of five datasets of the NIPS 2003 feature selection challenge.
GISETTEは手書きの数字認識問題です。この問題は、非常に混同性の高い数字「4」と「9」を分離する問題です。このデータセットは、NIPS 2003の特徴選択チャレンジの5つのデータセットのうちの1つです。
Gender Gap in Spanish WP
Classification / Multivariate / 4750 Instances / 21 Features
Data set used to estimate the number of women editors and their editing practices in the Spanish Wikipedia
Gastrointestinal Lesions in Regular Colonoscopy
Classification / Multivariate / 76 Instances / 698 Features
This dataset contains features extracted from colonoscopy videos used to detect gastrointestinal lesions. It contains 76 lesions: 15 serrated adenomas, 21 hyperplastic lesions and 40 adenoma.
Gas Sensor Array Drift Dataset
Classification / Multivariate / 13910 Instances / 128 Features
This archive contains 13910 measurements from 16 chemical sensors utilized in simulations for drift compensation in a discrimination task of 6 gases at various levels of concentrations.
Gait Classification
Classification / Multivariate / 48 Instances / 321 Features
Gait is considered a biometric criterion. Therefore, we tried to classify people with gait analysis with this gait data set.
Forest type mapping
Classification / Multivariate / 326 Instances / 27 Features
Multi-temporal remote sensing data of a forested area in Japan. The goal is to map different forest types using spectral data.
Classification / Multivariate / 194 Instances / 30 Features
From Collins Gem Guide to Flags, 1986
Collins Gem Guide to Flags, 1986より
First-order theorem proving
Classification / Multivariate / 6120 Instances / 51 Features
Given a theorem, predict which of five heuristics will give the fastest proof when used by a first-order prover. A sixth prediction declines to attempt a proof, should the theorem be too difficult.
Classification / Multivariate / 10800 Instances / 20 Features
The data are binary attack-point vectors and their clave-direction class(es) according to the partido-alto-based paradigm.
Facebook Large Page-Page Network
Classification / Multivariate / 22470 Instances / 4710 Features
This webgraph is a page-page graph of verified Facebook sites. Nodes represent official Facebook pages while the links are mutual likes between sites.
Classification / Multivariate / 336 Instances / 8 Features
This data contains protein localization sites
Classification / Multivariate / 132 Instances
Data for classifying if patients will survive for at least one year after a heart attack
Early Stage Diabetes Risk Prediction
Classification / Multivariate / 520 Instances / 17 Features
This dataset contains the sign and symptpom data of newly diabetic or would be diabetic patient.
Dry Bean
Classification / Multivariate / 13610 Instances / 16 Features
Images of 13,611 grains of 7 different registered dry beans were taken with a high-resolution camera. A total of 16 features; 12 dimensions and 4 shape forms, were obtained from the grains.
Drug Consumption (Quantified)
Classification / Multivariate / 1890 Instances / 12 Features
Classify type of drug consumer by personality data
Dota2 Games Results
Classification / Multivariate / 102940 Instances / 116 Features
Dota 2 is a popular computer game with two teams of 5 players. At the start of the game each player chooses a unique hero with different strengths and weaknesses.
Dota 2は5人のプレイヤーからなる2つのチームからなる人気のコンピュータゲームです。ゲーム開始時に、各プレイヤーはそれぞれ異なる長所と短所を持つユニークなヒーローを選びます。
Classification / Multivariate / 1950 Instances / 100000 Features
DOROTHEA is a drug discovery dataset. Chemical compounds represented by structural molecular features must be classified as active (binding to thrombin) or inactive. This is one of 5 datasets of the NIPS 2003 feature selection challenge.
DOROTHEAは創薬データセットです。構造分子特徴量で表される化合物は、活性(トロンビンに結合する)か不活性に分類されなければなりません。NIPS 2003の特徴量選択チャレンジの5つのデータセットのうちの1つです。
Discrete Tone Image Dataset
Classification / Multivariate / 71 Instances / 11 Features
Discrete Tone Images(DTI)are available which needs to be analyzed in detail. Here, we created this dataset for those who do research in DTI.
Diabetic Retinopathy Debrecen
Classification / Multivariate / 1150 Instances / 19 Features
This dataset contains features extracted from the Messidor image set to predict whether an image contains signs of diabetic retinopathy or not.
Classification / Multivariate / 2600 Instances / 20000 Features
DEXTER is a text classification problem in a bag-of-word representation. This is a two-class classification problem with sparse continuous input variables. This dataset is one of five datasets of the NIPS 2003 feature selection challenge.
DEXTERは、袋語表現のテキスト分類問題です。疎な連続入力変数を用いた2クラス分類問題です。このデータセットは、NIPS 2003の特徴選択チャレンジの5つのデータセットのうちの1つです。
Detect Malacious Executable(AntiVirus)
Classification / Multivariate / 373 Instances / 513 Features
I extract features from malacious and non-malacious and create and training dataset to teach svm classifier.Dataset made of unknown executable to detect if it is virus or normal safe executable.
Classification / Multivariate / 366 Instances
Aim for this dataset is to determine the type of Eryhemato-Squamous Disease.
このデータセットの目的は、Eryhemato-Squamous Diseaseの種類を決定することです。
Classification / Multivariate / 503 Instances
Marine sponges of the Demospongiae class classification domain.
Deepfakes: Medical Image Tamper Detection
Classification / Multivariate / 20000 Instances / 200000 Features
Medical deepfakes: CT scans of human lungs, where some have been tampered with cancer added/removed. Can you find them?
Dataset for Sensorless Drive Diagnosis
Classification / Multivariate / 58510 Instances / 49 Features
Features are extracted from motor current. The motor has intact and defective components. This results in 11 different classes with different conditions.
Cylinder Bands
Classification / Multivariate / 512 Instances / 39 Features
Used in decision tree induction for mitigating process delays known as cylinder bands” in rotogravure printing”
Crowdsourced Mapping
Classification / Multivariate / 10550 Instances / 29 Features
Crowdsourced data from OpenStreetMap is used to automate the classification of satellite images into different land cover classes (impervious, farm, forest, grass, orchard, water).
Credit Approval
Classification / Multivariate / 690 Instances / 15 Features
This data concerns credit card applications; good mix of attributes
Classification / Multivariate / 581010 Instances / 54 Features
Classification of pixels into 7 forest cover types based on attributes such as elevation, aspect, slope, hillshade, soil-type, and more.
Contraceptive Method Choice
Classification / Multivariate / 1470 Instances
Dataset is a subset of the 1987 National Indonesia Contraceptive Prevalence Survey.
データセットは、1987年インドネシア避妊有病率調査(National Indonesia Contraceptive Prevalence Survey)のサブセットです。
Connectionist Bench (Sonar, Mines vs. Rocks)
Classification / Multivariate / 208 Instances / 60 Features
The task is to train a network to discriminate between sonar signals bounced off a metal cylinder and those bounced off a roughly cylindrical rock.
Congressional Voting Records
Classification / Multivariate / 435 Instances / 16 Features
1984 United Stated Congressional Voting Records; Classify as Republican or Democrat
Climate Model Simulation Crashes
Classification / Multivariate / 540 Instances
Given Latin hypercube samples of 18 climate model input parameter values, predict climate model simulation crashes and determine the parameter value combinations that cause the failures.
Chronic Kidney Disease
Classification / Multivariate / 400 Instances / 25 Features
This dataset can be used to predict the chronic kidney disease and it can be collected from the hospital nearly 2 months of period.
Chess (King-Rook vs. King-Pawn)
Classification / Multivariate / 3200 Instances / 36 Features
King+Rook versus King+Pawn on a7 (usually abbreviated KRKPA7).
Chess (King-Rook vs. King)
Classification / Multivariate / 28060 Instances / 6 Features
Chess Endgame Database for White King and Rook against Black King (KRK).
Character Font Images
Classification / Multivariate / 745000 Instances / 411 Features
Character images from scanned and computer generated fonts.
Cervical Cancer (Risk Factors)
Classification / Multivariate / 858 Instances / 36 Features
This dataset focuses on the prediction of indicators/diagnosis of cervical cancer. The features cover demographic information, habits, and historic medical records.
Census-Income (KDD)
Classification / Multivariate / 299290 Instances / 40 Features
This data set contains weighted census data extracted from the 1994 and 1995 current population surveys conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau.
Census Income
Classification / Multivariate / 48840 Instances / 14 Features
Predict whether income exceeds $50K/yr based on census data. Also known as Adult dataset.
Classification / Multivariate / 2130 Instances
The dataset consists of measurements of fetal heart rate (FHR) and uterine contraction (UC) features on cardiotocograms classified by expert obstetricians.
COVID-19 Surveillance
Classification / Multivariate / 14 Instances / 7 Features
Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Surveillance.
Breast Tissue
Classification / Multivariate / 106 Instances
Dataset with electrical impedance measurements of freshly excised tissue samples from the breast.
Breast Cancer Wisconsin (Original)
Classification / Multivariate / 699 Instances / 9 Features
Original Wisconsin Breast Cancer Database
Breast Cancer Coimbra
Classification / Multivariate / 116 Instances
Clinical features were observed or measured for 64 patients with breast cancer and 52 healthy controls.
Breast Cancer
Classification / Multivariate / 286 Instances / 9 Features
This breast cancer domain was obtained from the University Medical Centre, Institute of Oncology, Ljubljana, Yugoslavia. This is one of three domains provided by the Oncology Institute that has repeatedly appeared in the machine learning literature. (See also lymphography and primary-tumor.)
この乳がんドメインは、ユーゴスラビアのリュブリャナにあるUniversity Medical Centre, Institute of Oncologyから入手しました。これは腫瘍学研究所から提供された3つのドメインのうちの1つで、機械学習の文献に繰り返し登場しています。(リンパ造影と原発腫瘍も参照)。
Blood Transfusion Service Center
Classification / Multivariate / 748 Instances / 5 Features
Data taken from the Blood Transfusion Service Center in Hsin-Chu City in Taiwan — this is a classification problem.
Banknote Authentication
Classification / Multivariate / 1370 Instances
Data were extracted from images that were taken for the evaluation of an authentication procedure for banknotes.
Classification / Multivariate / 16 Instances / 4 Features
Data previously used in cognitive psychology experiment; 4 data sets represent different conditions of an experiment
Balance Scale
Classification / Multivariate / 625 Instances / 4 Features
Balance scale weight & distance database
Classification / Multivariate / 100 Instances / 6 Features
In this paper, we look for to recognize the causes of users tendto cyber space in Kohkiloye and Boyer Ahmad Province inIran
本論文では、イランのKohkiloyeとBoyer Ahmad州のサイバー空間へのユーザーの傾向の原因を認識するために探します。
Classification / Multivariate / 20870 Instances / 10 Features
The Avila data set has been extracted from 800 images of the ‘Avila Bible’, an XII century giant Latin copy of the Bible. The prediction task consists in associating each pattern to a copyist.
Avilaデータセットは、12世紀の巨大なラテン語のコピーである「Avila Bible」の800枚の画像から抽出されています。予測タスクは、各パターンをコピー者に関連付けることで構成されています。
Classification / Multivariate
AutoUniv is an advanced data generator for classifications tasks. The aim is to reflect the nuances and heterogeneity of real data. Data can be generated in .csv, ARFF or C4.5 formats.
Autistic Spectrum Disorder Screening Data for Chil
Classification / Multivariate / 292 Instances / 21 Features
Children screening data for autism suitable for classification and predictive tasks
Autistic Spectrum Disorder Screening Data for Adol
Classification / Multivariate / 104 Instances / 21 Features
Autistic Spectrum Disorder Screening Data for Adolescent. This dataset is related to classification and predictive tasks.
Audit Data
Classification / Multivariate / 777 Instances
Exhaustive one year non-confidential data in the year 2015 to 2016 of firms is collected from the Auditor Office of India to build a predictor for classifying suspicious firms.
Audiology (Standardized)
Classification / Multivariate / 226 Instances
Standardized version of the original audiology database
Audiology (Original)
Classification / Multivariate / 226 Instances
Nominal audiology dataset from Baylor
Artificial Characters
Classification / Multivariate / 6000 Instances / 7 Features
Dataset artificially generated by using first order theory which describes structure of ten capital letters of English alphabet
Classification / Multivariate / 452 Instances
Distinguish between the presence and absence of cardiac arrhythmia and classify it in one of the 16 groups.
Classification / Multivariate / 900 Instances / 10000 Features
ARCENE’s task is to distinguish cancer versus normal patterns from mass-spectrometric data. This is a two-class classification problem with continuous input variables. This dataset is one of 5 datasets of the NIPS 2003 feature selection challenge.
ARCENEのタスクは、質量分析データからがんパターンと正常パターンを区別することです。これは連続入力変数を用いた2クラス分類問題です。このデータセットは、NIPS 2003の特徴選択課題の5つのデータセットのうちの1つです。
Classification / Multivariate / 798 Instances / 38 Features
Steel annealing data
Classification / Multivariate / 189 Instances / 23 Features
The dataset is a multilabel classification problem. The goal is to predict the presence of amphibians species near the water reservoirs based on features obtained from GIS systems and satellite images
Acute Inflammations
Classification / Multivariate / 120 Instances
The data was created by a medical expert as a data set to test the expert system, which will perform the presumptive diagnosis of two diseases of the urinary system.
Activity recognition using wearable physiological
Classification / Multivariate / 4480 Instances / 533 Features
This dataset contains features from Electrocardiogram (ECG), Thoracic Electrical Bioimpedance (TEB) and the Electrodermal Activity (EDA) for activity recognition.
Activity recognition using wearable physiological
Classification / Multivariate / 4480 Instances / 533 Features
This dataset contains features from Electrocardiogram (ECG), Thoracic Electrical Bioimpedance (TEB) and the Electrodermal Activity (EDA) for activity recognition.
APS Failure at Scania Trucks
Classification / Multivariate / 60000 Instances / 171 Features
The datasets’ positive class consists of component failures for a specific component of the APS system. The negative class consists of trucks with failures for components not related to the APS.
2.4 GHZ Indoor Channel Measurements
Classification / Multivariate / 7840 Instances / 5 Features
Measurement of the S21,consists of 10 sweeps, each sweep contains 601 frequency points with spacing of 0.167MHz to cover a 100MHz band centered at 2.4GHz.

Multivariate, Data-Generator

Waveform Database Generator (Version 2)
Classification / Multivariate, Data-Generator / 5000 Instances / 40 Features
CART book’s waveform domains
Waveform Database Generator (Version 1)
Classification / Multivariate, Data-Generator / 5000 Instances / 21 Features
CART book’s waveform domains
CART bookの波形領域
Quadruped Mammals
Classification / Multivariate, Data-Generator
The file animals.c is a data generator of structured instances representing quadruped animals
LED Display Domain
Classification / Multivariate, Data-Generator
From Classification and Regression Trees book; We provide here 2 C programs for generating sample databases
Chess (King-Rook vs. King-Knight)
Classification / Multivariate, Data-Generator
Knight Pin Chess End-Game Database Creator

Multivariate, Domain-Theory

Thyroid Disease
Classification / Multivariate, Domain-Theory / 7200 Instances / 5 Features
10 separate databases from Garavan Institute
Garavan Instituteからの10の個別のデータベース
Japanese Credit Screening
Classification / Multivariate, Domain-Theory / 125 Instances
Includes domain theory (generated by talking to Japanese domain experts); data in Lisp

Multivariate, Sequential

Wall-Following Robot Navigation Data
Classification / Multivariate, Sequential / 5460 Instances / 24 Features
The data were collected as the SCITOS G5 robot navigates through the room following the wall in a clockwise direction, for 4 rounds, using 24 ultrasound sensors arranged circularly around its ‘waist’.
データは、SCITOS G5ロボットが壁に沿って時計回りに部屋の中を4周し、「腰」の周りに円形に配置された24個の超音波センサーを使用して収集されました。
UJI Pen Characters (Version 2)
Classification / Multivariate, Sequential / 11640 Instances
A pen-based database with more than 11k isolated handwritten characters
UJI Pen Characters
Classification / Multivariate, Sequential / 1360 Instances
Data consists of written characters in a UNIPEN-like format
Online Handwritten Assamese Characters Dataset
Classification / Multivariate, Sequential / 8240 Instances
This is a dataset of 8235 online handwritten assamese characters. The “online” process involves capturing of data as text is written on a digitizing tablet with an electronic pen.

Multivariate, Sequential, Time-Series

Ozone Level Detection
Classification / Multivariate, Sequential, Time-Series / 2540 Instances
Two ground ozone level data sets are included in this collection. One is the eight hour peak set (eighthr.data), the other is the one hour peak set (onehr.data). Those data were collected from 1998 to 2004 at the Houston, Galveston and Brazoria area.
Indoor User Movement Prediction from RSS data
Classification / Multivariate, Sequential, Time-Series / 13200 Instances / 4 Features
This dataset contains temporal data from a Wireless Sensor Network deployed in real-world office environments. The task is intended as real-life benchmark in the area of Ambient Assisted Living.
Hybrid Indoor Positioning Dataset from WiFi RSSI,
Classification / Multivariate, Sequential, Time-Series / 1540 Instances / 65 Features
The dataset was created for the comparison and evaluation of hybrid indoor positioning methods. The dataset presented contains data from W-LAN and Bluetooth interfaces, and Magnetometer.
Hybrid Indoor Positioning Dataset from WiFi RSSI,
Classification / Multivariate, Sequential, Time-Series / 1540 Instances / 65 Features
The dataset was created for the comparison and evaluation of hybrid indoor positioning methods. The dataset presented contains data from W-LAN and Bluetooth interfaces, and Magnetometer.
Human Activity Recognition from Continuous Ambient
Classification / Multivariate, Sequential, Time-Series / 13960000 Instances / 37 Features
This dataset represents ambient data collected in homes with volunteer residents. Data are collected continuously while residents perform their normal routines.
Human Activity Recognition from Continuous Ambient
Classification / Multivariate, Sequential, Time-Series / 13960000 Instances / 37 Features
This dataset represents ambient data collected in homes with volunteer residents. Data are collected continuously while residents perform their normal routines.
EEG Eye State
Classification / Multivariate, Sequential, Time-Series / 14980 Instances
The data set consists of 14 EEG values and a value indicating the eye state.
Activity Recognition system based on Multisensor d
Classification / Multivariate, Sequential, Time-Series / 42240 Instances / 6 Features
This dataset contains temporal data from a Wireless Sensor Network worn by an actor performing the activities: bending, cycling, lying down, sitting, standing, walking.
Activity Recognition system based on Multisensor d
Classification / Multivariate, Sequential, Time-Series / 42240 Instances / 6 Features
This dataset contains temporal data from a Wireless Sensor Network worn by an actor performing the activities: bending, cycling, lying down, sitting, standing, walking.
このデータセットには、屈曲、サイクリング、横たわる、座る、立つ、歩くなどのアクティビティを実行するアクターが装着するワイヤレス センサー ネットワークからの時間データが含まれています。

Multivariate, Spatial

Classification / Multivariate, Spatial / 67560 Instances / 42 Features
Contains connect-4 positions

Multivariate, Text

Youtube cookery channels viewers comments in Hingl
Classification / Multivariate, Text / 9800 Instances / 3 Features
The datasets are taken from top 2 Indian cooking channel named Nisha Madhulika channel and Kabita’s Kitchen channel.The data set is in Hinglish Language.
データセットは、Nisha MadhulikaチャンネルとKabitaのKitchenチャンネルというインド料理のトップ2チャンネルから取得した。データセットはヒングリッシュ言語です。
Wisesight Sentiment Corpus
Classification / Multivariate, Text / 26740 Instances / 4 Features
Social media messages in Thai language with sentiment label (positive, neutral, negative, question).
Classification / Multivariate, Text / 15740 Instances
We created a gold standard Tamil-English code-switched, sentiment-annotated corpus containing 15,744 comment posts from YouTube.
Syskill and Webert Web Page Ratings
Classification / Multivariate, Text / 332 Instances / 5 Features
This database contains HTML source of web pages plus the ratings of a single user on these web pages. Web pages are on four seperate subjects (Bands- recording artists; Goats; Sheep; and BioMedical)
Sports articles for objectivity analysis
Classification / Multivariate, Text / 1000 Instances / 59 Features
1000 sports articles were labeled using Amazon Mechanical Turk as objective or subjective. The raw texts, extracted features, and the URLs from which the articles were retrieved are provided.
1000本のスポーツ記事をAmazon Mechanical Turkを用いて客観的または主観的にラベル付けした。生のテキスト、抽出された特徴、記事が検索されたURLが提供されています。
Multimodal Damage Identification for Humanitarian
Classification / Multivariate, Text / 5880 Instances
5879 captioned images (image and text) from social media related to damage during natural disasters/wars, and belong to 6 classes: Fires, Floods, Natural landscape, Infrastructural, Human, Non-damage.
Classification / Multivariate, Text / 1080 Instances / 857 Features
This is a data set containing 1080 documents of free text business descriptions of Brazilian companies categorized into asubset of 9 categories

Multivariate, Text, Domain-Theory

Amazon Commerce Reviews
Classification / Multivariate, Text, Domain-Theory / 1500 Instances / 10000 Features
The dataset is used for authorship identification in online Writeprint which is a new research field of pattern recognition.

Multivariate, Time-Series

WISDM Smartphone and Smartwatch Activity and Biome
Classification / Multivariate, Time-Series / 15630000 Instances / 6 Features
Contains accelerometer and gyroscope time-series sensor data collected from a smartphone and smartwatch as 51 test subjects perform 18 activities for 3 minutes each.
WISDM Smartphone and Smartwatch Activity and Biome
Classification / Multivariate, Time-Series / 15630000 Instances / 6 Features
Contains accelerometer and gyroscope time-series sensor data collected from a smartphone and smartwatch as 51 test subjects perform 18 activities for 3 minutes each.
URL Reputation
Classification / Multivariate, Time-Series / 2400000 Instances / 3230000 Features
Anonymized 120-day subset of the ICML-09 URL data containing 2.4 million examples and 3.2 million features.
Spoken Arabic Digit
Classification / Multivariate, Time-Series / 8800 Instances / 13 Features
This dataset contains timeseries of mel-frequency cepstrum coefficients (MFCCs) corresponding to spoken Arabic digits. Includes data from 44 male and 44 female native Arabic speakers.
Smartphone-Based Recognition of Human Activities a
Classification / Multivariate, Time-Series / 10930 Instances
Activity recognition data set built from the recordings of 30 subjects performing basic activities and postural transitions while carrying a waist-mounted smartphone with embedded inertial sensors.
Smartphone-Based Recognition of Human Activities a
Classification / Multivariate, Time-Series / 10930 Instances
Activity recognition data set built from the recordings of 30 subjects performing basic activities and postural transitions while carrying a waist-mounted smartphone with embedded inertial sensors.
Room Occupancy Estimation
Classification / Multivariate, Time-Series / 10130 Instances / 16 Features
Data set for estimating the precise number of occupants in a room using multiple non-intrusive environmental sensors like temperature, light, sound, CO2 and PIR.
Robot Execution Failures
Classification / Multivariate, Time-Series / 463 Instances / 90 Features
This dataset contains force and torque measurements on a robot after failure detection. Each failure is characterized by 15 force/torque samples collected at regular time intervals
REALDISP Activity Recognition Dataset
Classification / Multivariate, Time-Series / 1420 Instances / 120 Features
The REALDISP dataset is devised to evaluate techniques dealing with the effects of sensor displacement in wearable activity recognition as well as to benchmark general activity recognition algorithms
Classification / Multivariate, Time-Series / 440 Instances / 138670 Features
15 months worth of daily data (440 daily records) that describes the occupancy rate, between 0 and 1, of different car lanes of the San Francisco bay area freeways across time.
PAMAP2 Physical Activity Monitoring
Classification / Multivariate, Time-Series / 3850000 Instances / 52 Features
The PAMAP2 Physical Activity Monitoring dataset contains data of 18 different physical activities, performed by 9 subjects wearing 3 inertial measurement units and a heart rate monitor.
Occupancy Detection
Classification / Multivariate, Time-Series / 20560 Instances / 7 Features
Experimental data used for binary classification (room occupancy) from Temperature,Humidity,Light and CO2. Ground-truth occupancy was obtained from time stamped pictures that were taken every minute.
OPPORTUNITY Activity Recognition
Classification / Multivariate, Time-Series / 2550 Instances / 242 Features
The OPPORTUNITY Dataset for Human Activity Recognition from Wearable, Object, and Ambient Sensors is a dataset devised to benchmark human activity recognition algorithms (classification, automatic data segmentation, sensor fusion, feature extraction, etc).
OPPORTUNITY Dataset for Human Activity Recognition from Wearable, Object, and Ambient Sensorsは、人間の活動認識アルゴリズム(分類、自動データセグメンテーション、センサフュージョン、特徴抽出など)をベンチマークするために考案されたデータセットです。
Classification / Multivariate, Time-Series / 120 Instances
The MHEALTH (Mobile Health) dataset is devised to benchmark techniques dealing with human behavior analysis based on multimodal body sensing.
MHEALTH (Mobile Health)データセットは、マルチモーダルボディセンシングに基づく人間の行動分析技術をベンチマークするために考案されました。
Japanese Vowels
Classification / Multivariate, Time-Series / 640 Instances / 12 Features
This dataset records 640 time series of 12 LPC cepstrum coefficients taken from nine male speakers.
このデータセットは、9人の男性話者から取得した12のLPC cepstrum係数の640の時系列を記録しています。
Classification / Multivariate, Time-Series / 1 Instances
Data set prepared for the use of participants for the 1994 AAAI Spring Symposium on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine.
1994年AAAI Spring Symposium on Artificial Intelligence in Medicineの参加者が使用するために用意されたデータセット。
Classification / Multivariate, Time-Series / 6460000 Instances / 8 Features
The Human Activity Recognition Trondheim (HARTH) dataset is a professionally-annotated dataset containing 22 subjects wearing two 3-axial accelerometers for around 2 hours in a free-living setting. The sensors were attached to the right thigh and lower back. The professional recordings and annotations provide a promising benchmark dataset for researchers to develop innovative machine learning approaches for precise HAR in free living.
Human Activity Recognition Trondheim (HARTH)データセットは、22人の被験者が2つの3軸加速度センサーを装着し、自由生活環境で約2時間、専門家が注釈を付けたデータセットです。センサーは右大腿部と腰部に取り付けられています。専門家による記録と注釈は、研究者が自由生活における正確なHARのための革新的な機械学習アプローチを開発するための有望なベンチマークデータセットを提供します。
Classification / Multivariate, Time-Series / 2260000 Instances / 6 Features
The Human Activity Recognition 70+ (HAR70+) dataset is a professionally-annotated dataset containing 18 fit-to-frail older-adult subjects (70-95 years old) wearing two 3-axial accelerometers for around 40 minutes during a semi-structured free-living protocol. The sensors were attached to the right thigh and lower back.
Human Activity Recognition 70+ (HAR70+)データセットは、半構造化された自由生活プロトコルの間、2つの3軸加速度センサーを約40分間装着した、18人の健康で虚弱な高齢成人被験者(70~95歳)を含む、専門家による注釈付きデータセットです。センサーは右大腿部と腰部に取り付けられた。
Gas sensors for home activity monitoring
Classification / Multivariate, Time-Series / 919440 Instances / 11 Features
100 recordings of a sensor array under different conditions in a home setting: background, wine and banana presentations. The array includes 8 MOX gas sensors, and humidity and temperature sensors.
Gas sensor arrays in open sampling settings
Classification / Multivariate, Time-Series / 18000 Instances / 1950000 Features
The dataset contains 18000 time-series recordings from a chemical detection platform at six different locations in a wind tunnel facility in response to ten high-priority chemical gaseous substances
EEG Database
Classification / Multivariate, Time-Series / 122 Instances
This data arises from a large study to examine EEG correlates of genetic predisposition to alcoholism. It contains measurements from 64 electrodes placed on the scalp sampled at 256 Hz
Daphnet Freezing of Gait
Classification / Multivariate, Time-Series / 237 Instances
This dataset contains the annotated readings of 3 acceleration sensors at the hip and leg of Parkinson’s disease patients that experience freezing of gait (FoG) during walking tasks.
Crop mapping using fused optical-radar data set
Classification / Multivariate, Time-Series / 325830 Instances / 175 Features
Combining optical and PolSAR remote sensing images offers a complementary data set with a significant number of temporal, spectral, textural, and polarimetric features for cropland classification.
Australian Sign Language Signs (High Quality)
Classification / Multivariate, Time-Series / 2570 Instances
This data consists of sample of Auslan (Australian Sign Language) signs. 27 examples of each of 95 Auslan signs were captured from a native signer using high-quality position trackers
Australian Sign Language Signs
Classification / Multivariate, Time-Series / 6650 Instances
This data consists of sample of Auslan (Australian Sign Language) signs. Examples of 95 signs were collected from five signers with a total of 6650 sign samples.

Multivariate, Time-Series, Text

Detect Malware Types
Classification / Multivariate, Time-Series, Text / 7110 Instances / 280 Features
Provide a short description of your data set (less than 200 characters).

Multivariate, Univariate

Divorce Predictors data set
Classification / Multivariate, Univariate / 170 Instances / 54 Features
Participants completed the Personal Information Form and Divorce Predictors Scale.

Multivariate, Univariate, Text

Classification / Multivariate, Univariate, Text / 115 Instances / 200 Features
Northix is designed to be a schema matching benchmark problem for data integration of two entity relationship databases.


Classification / Sequential / 4960 Instances
ChIP-seq experiments characterize protein modifications or binding atspecific genomic locations in specific samples. The machine learningproblem in these data is structured binary classification.
Wearable Computing: Classification of Body Posture
Classification / Sequential / 165630 Instances / 18 Features
A dataset with 5 classes (sitting-down, standing-up, standing, walking, and sitting) collected on 8 hours of activities of 4 healthy subjects. We also established a baseline performance index.
Wearable Computing: Classification of Body Posture
Classification / Sequential / 165630 Instances / 18 Features
A dataset with 5 classes (sitting-down, standing-up, standing, walking, and sitting) collected on 8 hours of activities of 4 healthy subjects. We also established a baseline performance index.
Molecular Biology (Protein Secondary Structure)
Classification / Sequential / 128 Instances
From CMU connectionist bench repository; Classifies secondary structure of certain globular proteins
CMU connectionist bench repositoryより;特定の球状タンパク質の二次構造を分類しています。
Classification / Sequential / 606 Instances / 101 Features
Each record represents 100 points on a two-dimensional graph. When plotted in order (from 1 through 100) as the Y co-ordinate, the points will create either a Hill (a “bump” in the terrain) or a Valley (a “dip” in the terrain).
Bach Choral Harmony
Classification / Sequential / 5670 Instances / 17 Features
The data set is composed of 60 chorales (5665 events) by J.S. Bach (1675-1750).Each event of each chorale is labelled using 1 among 101 chord labels and describedthrough 14 features.
Anticancer peptides
Classification / Sequential / 1850 Instances / 2 Features
Peptides with experimental annotations on their anticancer action on breast and lung cancer cells.
Activity recognition with healthy older people usi
Classification / Sequential / 75130 Instances / 9 Features
Sequential motion data from 14 healthy older people aged 66 to 86 years old using a batteryless, wearable sensor on top of their clothing for the recognition of activities in clinical environments.
Activity recognition with healthy older people usi
Classification / Sequential / 75130 Instances / 9 Features
Sequential motion data from 14 healthy older people aged 66 to 86 years old using a batteryless, wearable sensor on top of their clothing for the recognition of activities in clinical environments.

Sequential, Domain-Theory

Molecular Biology (Splice-junction Gene Sequences)
Classification / Sequential, Domain-Theory / 3190 Instances / 61 Features
Primate splice-junction gene sequences (DNA) with associated imperfect domain theory
Molecular Biology (Promoter Gene Sequences)
Classification / Sequential, Domain-Theory / 106 Instances / 58 Features
E. Coli promoter gene sequences (DNA) with partial domain theory

Sequential, Multivariate, Time-Series

Classification / Sequential, Multivariate, Time-Series / 48 Instances
A Comprehensive CAN Bus Attack Dataset from Moving Vehicles for Intrusion Detection System EvaluationThis dataset includes CAN bus attacks collected from a modern automobile equipped with autonomous driving capabilities, operating in real-world driving scenarios. The dataset encompasses physically verified attacks to enhance the comparison and validation of in-vehicle network Intrusion Detection Systems.

Sequential, Time-Series

Machine Learning based ZZAlpha Ltd. Stock Recommen
Classification / Sequential, Time-Series / 314080 Instances
The data here are the ZZAlpha® machine learning recommendations made for various US traded stock portfolios the morning of each day during the 3 year period Jan 1, 2012 – Dec 31, 2014.
Machine Learning based ZZAlpha Ltd. Stock Recommen
Classification / Sequential, Time-Series / 314080 Instances
The data here are the ZZAlpha® machine learning recommendations made for various US traded stock portfolios the morning of each day during the 3 year period Jan 1, 2012 – Dec 31, 2014.
ここでのデータは、2012年1月1日から2014年12月31日までの3年間、米国のさまざまな取引株式ポートフォリオに対して毎日午前中に行われたZZAlpha® 機械学習の推奨事項です。
Data for Software Engineering Teamwork Assessment
Classification / Sequential, Time-Series / 74 Instances / 102 Features
Data include over 100 Team Activity Measures and outcomes (ML classes) obtained from activities of 74 student teams during the creation of final class project in SW Eng. classes at SFSU, Fulda, FAU
Data for Software Engineering Teamwork Assessment
Classification / Sequential, Time-Series / 74 Instances / 102 Features
Data include over 100 Team Activity Measures and outcomes (ML classes) obtained from activities of 74 student teams during the creation of final class project in SW Eng. classes at SFSU, Fulda, FAU
データには、SFSU、Fulda、FAUのSW Eng.クラスの最終クラスプロジェクトの作成中に74の学生チームの活動から得られた100以上のチーム活動の測定値と結果(MLクラス)が含まれています。
BLE RSSI dataset for Indoor localization
Classification / Sequential, Time-Series / 23570 Instances / 5 Features
This dataset contains RSSIs obtained on smartphones(Sony Xperia XA1). Signals were transmitted from BLE product called iTAG. Location column denotes the position of iTAG in building’s entry.
このデータセットには、スマートフォン(Sony Xperia XA1)で取得したRSSIが含まれています。信号はiTAGと呼ばれるBLE製品から送信されています。位置の欄は、建物の入口にあるiTAGの位置を示しています。


extention of Z-Alizadeh sani dataset
Classification / Tabular / 303 Instances
It was collected for CAD diagnosis.
Z-Alizadeh Sani
Classification / Tabular / 303 Instances
It was collected for CAD diagnosis.
Classification / Tabular / 171 Instances / 1200 Features
The dataset includes 171 molecules designed for functional domains of a core clock protein, CRY1, responsible for generating circadian rhythm. 56 of the molecules are toxic and the rest are non-toxic.
Classification / Tabular / 4470 Instances / 241 Features
TUNADROMD dataset contains 4465 instances and 241 attributes. The target attribute for classification is a category (malware vs good ware). (N.B. This is the preprocessed version of TUANDROMD)
Sundanese Twitter Dataset
Classification / Tabular / 2510 Instances / 1 Features
This dataset contains tweet of the second-largest local language in Indonesia and is used for emotion classification.
Somerville Happiness Survey
Classification / Tabular / 143 Instances
A data extract of a non-federal dataset posted here https://catalog.data.gov/dataset/somerville-happiness-survey-responses-2011-2013-2015
Sirtuin6 Small Molecules
Classification / Tabular / 100 Instances
The dataset includes 100 molecules with 6 most relevant descriptors to determine the candidate inhibitors of a target protein, Sirtuin6. The molecules are grouped based on their low- and high-BFEs.
Single Elder Home Monitoring: Gas and Position
Classification / Tabular / 444630 Instances / 10 Features
This dataset contains gas and temperature sensors as well as movement infra-red sensors from the monitoring of an elder person living alone in their own home from 2019-11-06 to 2020-02-13. The measurings have a temporal resolution of 20 seconds. The air and gas sensors measure temperature, humidity, CO2, CO and MOX readings. The data from the position sensors are binary; for each room, a 1 means that movement has been detected in that room while a 0 means that the sensor has gone back to baseline. The attached figure represents a simple layout of the monitored home as well as the sensors locations. The dataset also includes 19 days of measurements (from 2020-01-25 to 2020-02-13) where noone was occupying the room (except for an esporadic visit the 2020-01-29 at 15:), as reference data
Secondary Mushroom
Classification / Tabular / 61070 Instances / 20 Features
Dataset of simulated mushrooms for binary classification into edible and poisonous.
Phishing Websites
Classification / Tabular / 11060 Instances
This dataset collected mainly from: PhishTank archive, MillerSmiles archive, Google’s searching operators.
PhiUSIIL Phishing URL (Website)
Classification / Tabular / 235800 Instances / 54 Features
PhiUSIIL Phishing URL Dataset is a substantial dataset comprising 134,850 legitimate and 100,945 phishing URLs. Most of the URLs we analyzed, while constructing the dataset, are the latest URLs. Features are extracted from the source code of the webpage and URL. Features such as CharContinuationRate, URLTitleMatchScore, URLCharProb, and TLDLegitimateProb are derived from existing features.
Period Changer
Classification / Tabular / 90 Instances / 1180 Features
The dataset includes 90 non-toxic molecules designed for functional domain of a core clock protein, CRY1, of which 27 molecules significantly lengthen the period of circadian rhythm and the rest, 63 molecules, are no changers.
Palmer Penguins
Classification / Tabular / 344 Instances
An introductory dataset presented as an alternative to Iris and useful for teaching data exploration/visualization. Data comes from 3 penguin species in the islands of Palmer Archipelago, Antarctica.
National Poll on Healthy Aging (NPHA)
Classification / Tabular / 714 Instances / 15 Features
This is a subset of the NPHA dataset filtered down to develop and validate machine learning algorithms for predicting the number of doctors a survey respondent sees in a year. This dataset’s records represent seniors who responded to the NPHA survey.
National Health and Nutrition Health Survey 2013-2
Classification / Tabular / 6290 Instances / 7 Features
The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), administered by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), collects extensive health and nutritional information from a diverse U.S. population. Though expansive, the dataset is often too broad for specific analytical purposes. In this sub-dataset, we narrow our focus to predicting respondents’ age by extracting a subset of features from the larger NHANES dataset. These selected features include physiological measurements, lifestyle choices, and biochemical markers, which were hypothesized to have strong correlations with age.
National Health and Nutrition Health Survey 2013-2
Classification / Tabular / 6290 Instances / 7 Features
The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), administered by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), collects extensive health and nutritional information from a diverse U.S. population. Though expansive, the dataset is often too broad for specific analytical purposes. In this sub-dataset, we narrow our focus to predicting respondents’ age by extracting a subset of features from the larger NHANES dataset. These selected features include physiological measurements, lifestyle choices, and biochemical markers, which were hypothesized to have strong correlations with age.
米国疾病管理予防センター(CDC)が実施するNational Health and Nutrition Examination Survey(NHANES)は、米国の多様な人々から広範な健康と栄養情報を収集しています。データセットは広範ですが、特定の分析目的には広すぎることがよくあります。このサブデータセットでは、より大きなNHANESデータセットから特徴のサブセットを抽出することにより、回答者の年齢を予測することに焦点を絞ります。これらの選択された特徴には、生理学的測定、ライフスタイルの選択、および生化学的マーカーが含まれ、これらは年齢と強い相関関係があると仮定されました。
NATICUSdroid (Android Permissions)
Classification / Tabular / 29330 Instances / 86 Features
Contains permissions extracted from more than 29000 benign & malware Android apps released between 2010-2019.
Differentiated Thyroid Cancer Recurrence
Classification / Tabular / 383 Instances / 16 Features
This data set contains 13 clinicopathologic features aiming to predict recurrence of well differentiated thyroid cancer. The data set was collected in duration of 15 years and each patient was followed for at least 10 years.
Classification / Tabular / 174 Instances / 451 Features
The DARWIN dataset includes handwriting data from 174 participants. The classification task consists in distinguishing Alzheimer’s disease patients from healthy people.
Cryotherapy Dataset
Classification / Tabular / 90 Instances
This dataset contains information about wart treatment results of 90 patients using cryotherapy.
Cirrhosis Patient Survival Prediction
Classification / Tabular / 418 Instances / 17 Features
Utilize 17 clinical features for predicting survival state of patients with liver cirrhosis. The survival states include 0 = D (death), 1 = C (censored), 2 = CL (censored due to liver transplantation).
肝硬変患者の生存状態を予測するために17の臨床的特徴を利用します。生存状態には、0 = D(死亡)、1 = C(打ち切り)、2 = CL(肝移植による打ち切り)が含まれます。
Caesarian Section Classification Dataset
Classification / Tabular / 80 Instances
This dataset contains information about caesarian section results of 80 pregnant women with the most important characteristics of delivery problems in the medical field.

Tabular, Image

Similarity Prediction
Classification / Tabular, Image / 200 Instances
Molecular similarity assessments by expert chemists. Useful for the prediction of molecular similarity evaluations by humans.
Regensburg Pediatric Appendicitis
Classification / Tabular, Image / 782 Instances / 59 Features
This repository holds the data from a cohort of pediatric patients with suspected appendicitis admitted with abdominal pain to Children’s Hospital St. Hedwig in Regensburg, Germany, between 2016 and 2021. Each patient has (potentially multiple) ultrasound (US) images, aka views, tabular data comprising laboratory, physical examination, scoring results and ultrasonographic findings extracted manually by the experts, and three target variables, namely, diagnosis, management and severity.
このレポジトリには、2016年から2021年の間にドイツのレーゲンスブルクにあるChildrenのHospital St.Hedwigに腹痛で入院した虫垂炎が疑われる小児患者のコホートのデータが保存されています。各患者は、(潜在的に複数の)超音波(US)画像、別名ビュー、専門家が手作業で抽出した臨床検査、身体検査、スコアリング結果および超音波所見からなる表データ、および3つのターゲット変数、すなわち診断、管理および重症度を有します。
Ajwa or Medjool
Classification / Tabular, Image / 200 Instances / 6 Features
This dataset is a balanced dataset to classify two categories of organic Saudi dates. The dataset contains three subsets: 1) a dataset containing hand-crafted features to classify 20 date fruits into two types of organic dates (Ajwa or Medjool); 2) a dataset for images of Ajwa and Medjool (200 images of the 20 aforementioned fruits); and 3) a dataset containing tabular data with features created automatically using deep learning to classify the two organic date types (Ajwa or Medjool). This study is considered as the first work in Arabic using shallow machine learning and deep learning to create accurate models for classifying organic Saudi dates, which would enable scholars, researchers, and developers to create machine learning applications for classifying Saudi dates in various forms like websites, mobile apps, microcontrollers, tiny machine learning and internet of things applications.

Tabular, Multivariate

CDC Diabetes Health Indicators
Classification / Tabular, Multivariate / 253680 Instances / 21 Features
The Diabetes Health Indicators Dataset contains healthcare statistics and lifestyle survey information about people in general along with their diagnosis of diabetes. The 35 features consist of some demographics, lab test results, and answers to survey questions for each patient. The target variable for classification is whether a patient has diabetes, is pre-diabetic, or healthy.
Diabetes Health Indicators Datasetには、糖尿病の診断名とともに、一般の人々に関する医療統計とライフスタイル調査情報が含まれています。35の特徴は、各患者のいくつかの人口統計、検査結果、調査質問への回答から構成されています。分類の対象変数は、患者が糖尿病であるか、糖尿病予備軍であるか、健康であるかです。

Tabular, Multivariate, Time-Series

MetroPT-3 Dataset
Classification / Tabular, Multivariate, Time-Series / 1520000 Instances / 15 Features
From a metro train in an operational context, readings from pressure, temperature, motor current, and air intake valves were collected from a compressor’s Air Production Unit (APU). This dataset reveals real predictive maintenance challenges encountered in the industry. It can be used for failure predictions, anomaly explanations, and other tasks.

Tabular, Sequential, Multivariate, Time-Series

Accelerometer Gyro Mobile Phone
Classification / Tabular, Sequential, Multivariate, Time-Series / 31990 Instances / 8 Features
data collected on 2022, in King Saud University in riyadh for recognizing human activities using mobile phone IMU sensors (Accelerometer, and Gyroscope). these activity is calssified to standing(stop), or walking.

Tabular, Time-Series

Rocket League Skillshots
Classification / Tabular, Time-Series / 297 Instances
This dataset contains data of players of the game Rocket League, performing different skillshots.
このデータセットには、さまざまなスキルショットを実行する、ロケット リーグ ゲームのプレイヤーのデータが含まれています。


YouTube Spam Collection
Classification / Text / 1960 Instances / 5 Features
It is a public set of comments collected for spam research. It has five datasets composed by 1,956 real messages extracted from five videos that were among the 10 most viewed on the collection period.
YouTube Comedy Slam Preference Data
Classification / Text / 1140000 Instances / 3 Features
This dataset provides user vote data on which video from a pair of videos is funnier collected on YouTube Comedy Slam. The task is to automatically predict this preference based on video metadata.
このデータセットは、YouTube Comedy Slam上で収集された、ペアの動画の中からどちらの動画が楽しいかというユーザー投票データを提供します。本研究では、動画のメタデータに基づいて、この嗜好を自動的に予測することを目的としています。
Victorian Era Authorship Attribution
Classification / Text / 93600 Instances / 1000 Features
To create the largest authorship attribution dataset, we extracted works of 50 well-known authors. To have a non-exhaustive learning, in training there are 45 authors whereas, in the testing, it’s 50
University of Tehran Question Dataset 2016 (UTQD.2
Classification / Text / 1180 Instances / 3 Features
Persian questions gathered from a jeopardy game broadcasted on Iranian national television.
Twitter Data set for Arabic Sentiment Analysis
Classification / Text / 2000 Instances / 2 Features
This problem of Sentiment Analysis (SA) has been studied well on the English language but not Arabic one. Two main approaches have been devised: corpus-based and lexicon-based.
Turkish Spam V01
Classification / Text / 826 Instances / 2 Features
The TurkishSpam data set contains spam and normal emails written in Turkish.
Sentiment Labelled Sentences
Classification / Text / 3000 Instances
The dataset contains sentences labelled with positive or negative sentiment.
Sentence Classification
Classification / Text
Contains sentences from the abstract and introduction of 30 articles annotated with a modified Argumentative Zones annotation scheme. These articles come from biology, machine learning and psychology.
Argumentative Zonesを修正した注釈スキームで注釈された30本の論文の抄録と紹介文が収録されています。これらの論文は生物学、機械学習、心理学からのものです。
Russian Corpus of Biographical Texts
Classification / Text / 200 Instances / 2 Features
Sentence classification (Russian). The corpus contains Wikipedia texts splitted into sentences/ Each sentence has a topic label.
Roman Urdu Sentiment Analysis Dataset (RUSAD)
Classification / Text / 11000 Instances / 2 Features
The dataset was gathered to carry out research on the task of sentiment analysis for Roman Urdu.
Roman Urdu Data Set
Classification / Text / 20000 Instances / 2 Features
Roman Urdu (the scripting style for Urdu language) is one of the limited resource languages.A data corpus comprising of more than 20000 records was collected.
Reuters-21578 Text Categorization Collection
Classification / Text / 21580 Instances / 5 Features
This is a collection of documents that appeared on Reuters newswire in 1987. The documents were assembled and indexed with categories.
Reuters Transcribed Subset
Classification / Text / 200 Instances
This dataset is created by reading out 200 files from the 10 largest Reuters classes and using an Automatic Speech Recognition system to create corresponding transcriptions.
Opinosis Opinion / Review
Classification / Text / 51 Instances
This dataset contains sentences extracted from user reviews on a given topic. Example topics are “performance of Toyota Camry” and “sound quality of ipod nano”.
このデータセットには、与えられたトピックに関するユーザーレビューから抽出された文章が含まれます。トピックの例としては、「トヨタ・カムリの性能」や「iPod nanoの音質」などがあります。
Opinion Corpus for Lebanese Arabic Reviews (OCLAR)
Classification / Text / 3920 Instances / 3920 Features
Opinion Corpus for Lebanese Arabic Reviews (OCLAR) corpus is utilizable for Arabic sentiment classification on services’ reviews, including hotels, restaurants, shops, and others.
OCLAR (Opinion Corpus for Lebanese Arabic Reviews)コーパスは、ホテル、レストラン、ショップなどのサービスのレビューをアラビア語でセンチメント分類するために利用されています。
Legal Case Reports
Classification / Text
A textual corpus of 4000 legal cases for automatic summarization and citation analysis. For each document we collect catchphrases, citations sentences, citation catchphrases and citation classes.
Labeled Text Forum Threads Dataset
Classification / Text / 200 Instances / 9 Features
The dataset is a collection of text forum threads with class labels reflects the reply quality to the Initial-Post, 3 for complete relevant, 2 for partially relevant, and 1 for irrelevant
Guitar Chords finger positions
Classification / Text / 2630 Instances / 5 Features
Position of the fingers for 2633 guitar chords in standard tuning (double checked with software)
Farm Ads
Classification / Text / 4140 Instances / 54880 Features
This data was collected from text ads found on twelve websites that deal with various farm animal related topics. The binary labels are based on whether or not the content owner approves of the ad.
DeliciousMIL: A Data Set for Multi-Label Multi-Ins
Classification / Text / 12230 Instances / 8520 Features
This dataset includes 1) 12234 documents (8251 training, 3983 test) extracted from DeliciousT140 dataset, 2) class labels for all documents, 3) labels for a subset of sentences of the test documents.
DeliciousMIL: A Data Set for Multi-Label Multi-Ins
Classification / Text / 12230 Instances / 8520 Features
This dataset includes 1) 12234 documents (8251 training, 3983 test) extracted from DeliciousT140 dataset, 2) class labels for all documents, 3) labels for a subset of sentences of the test documents.
このデータセットには、1) DeliciousT140データセットから抽出された12234ドキュメント(8251トレーニング、3983テスト)、2)すべてのドキュメントのクラス ラベル、3)テスト ドキュメントの文のサブセットのラベルが含まれています。
DBWorld e-mails
Classification / Text / 64 Instances / 4700 Features
It contains 64 e-mails which I have manually collected from DBWorld mailing list. They are classified in: ‘announces of conferences’ and ‘everything else’.
Classification / Text / 23700 Instances
This is a intent classification (text classification) dataset with 150 in-domain intent classes. The main purpose of this dataset is to evaluate various classifiers on out-of-domain performance.
Burst Header Packet (BHP) flooding attack on Optic
Classification / Text / 1080 Instances / 22 Features
One of the primary challenges in identifying the risks of the Burst Header Packet (BHP) flood attacks in Optical Burst Switching networks (OBS) is the scarcity of reliable historical data.
Burst Header Packet (BHP) flooding attack on Optic
Classification / Text / 1080 Instances / 22 Features
One of the primary challenges in identifying the risks of the Burst Header Packet (BHP) flood attacks in Optical Burst Switching networks (OBS) is the scarcity of reliable historical data.
オプティカル バースト スイッチング ネットワーク(OBS)におけるバースト ヘッダー パケット(BHP)フラッド攻撃のリスクを特定する際の主な課題の1つは、信頼できる履歴データの不足です。
Bengali Hate Speech Detection Dataset
Classification / Text / 4500 Instances
The dataset can be used for hate speech detection in Bengali social media texts. The dataset is categorized into political, personal, geopolitical, religious, and gender abusive hates that are either directed or generalized towards a specific person, entity, or group. The data and lexicons contain content that is racist, sexist, homophobic, and offensive in many different ways. The dataset is collected and subsequently annotated only for research-related purposes. Besides, authors don’t take any liability if some statements contain very offensive and hateful statements that are either directed towards a specific person or entity or generalized towards a group. Therefore, please use it at your risk.


sEMG for Basic Hand movements
Classification / Time-Series / 3000 Instances / 2500 Features
The sEMG for Basic Hand movements includes 2 databases of surface electromyographic signals of 6 hand movements using Delsys’ EMG System. Healthy subjects conducted six daily life grasps.
Vicon Physical Action Data Set
Classification / Time-Series / 3000 Instances
The Physical Action Data Set includes 10 normal and 10 aggressive physical actions that measure the human activity. The data have been collected by 10 subjects using the Vicon 3D tracker.
身体動作データセットは、人間の活動性を測定する正常な身体動作10件と攻撃的な身体動作10件を含みます。このデータは、10人の被験者がVicon 3Dトラッカーを使用して収集したものです。
Classification / Time-Series / 1800 Instances
Dataset of “Social Distancing Alert with Smartwatches”
Smartphone Dataset for Human Activity Recognition
Classification / Time-Series / 5740 Instances / 561 Features
This data is an addition to an existing dataset on UCI. We collected more data to improve the accuracy of our human activity recognition algorithms applied in the domain of Ambient Assisted Living.
Smartphone Dataset for Human Activity Recognition
Classification / Time-Series / 5740 Instances / 561 Features
This data is an addition to an existing dataset on UCI. We collected more data to improve the accuracy of our human activity recognition algorithms applied in the domain of Ambient Assisted Living.
Smartphone Dataset for Anomaly Detection in Crowds
Classification / Time-Series / 14220 Instances
This dataset was collected from the Smartphone sensors and can be used to analyse behaviour of a crowd, for example, an anomaly.
Simulated Falls and Daily Living Activities Data S
Classification / Time-Series / 3060 Instances / 138 Features
20 falls and 16 daily living activities were performed by 17 volunteers with 5 repetitions while wearing 6 sensors (3.060 instances) that attached to their head, chest, waist, wrist, thigh and ankle.
Classification / Time-Series / 7600 Instances
Dataset of “Mask Wearing Status Estimation with Smartwatches”
Intelligent Media Accelerometer and Gyroscope (IM-
Classification / Time-Series / 800 Instances / 9 Features
The IM-AccGyro dataset is devised to benchmark techniques dealing with human activity recognition based on inertial sensors.
Intelligent Media Accelerometer and Gyroscope (IM-
Classification / Time-Series / 800 Instances / 9 Features
The IM-AccGyro dataset is devised to benchmark techniques dealing with human activity recognition based on inertial sensors.
EMG Physical Action Data Set
Classification / Time-Series / 10000 Instances
The Physical Action Data Set includes 10 normal and 10 aggressive physical actions that measure the human activity. The data have been collected by 4 subjects using the Delsys EMG wireless apparatus.
身体活動データセットには、人間の活動性を測定する10の正常な身体活動と10の積極的な身体活動が含まれています。データは、Delsys EMGワイヤレス装置を使用して4人の被験者によって収集されました。
EMG Data for Gestures
Classification / Time-Series / 30000 Instances
These are files of raw EMG data recorded by MYO Thalmic bracelet
MYO Thalmicブレスレットで記録した生の筋力データのファイルです。
Basketball dataset
Classification / Time-Series / 10000 Instances / 7 Features
It’s data collected from different volunteers that are done in a basketball practice: dribbling, pass, shoot, picking the ball, and holding the ball.
Classification / Time-Series / 1050 Instances
A multilingual audio-visual affective face database consisting of 1047 video clips of 286 subjects.
Classification / Time-Series / 1180 Instances
BAUM-1 dataset contains 1184 multimodal facial video clips collected from 31 subjects. The 1184 video clips contain spontaneous facial expressions and speech of 13 emotional and mental states.


Skin Segmentation
Classification / Univariate / 245060 Instances / 4 Features
The Skin Segmentation dataset is constructed over B, G, R color space. Skin and Nonskin dataset is generated using skin textures from face images of diversity of age, gender, and race people.
スキンセグメンテーションデータセットは、B, G, R色空間上に構築されています。Skin and Nonskinデータセットは、年齢、性別、人種の多様性のある人々の顔画像から肌のテクスチャを用いて生成されます。
Planning Relax
Classification / Univariate / 182 Instances / 13 Features
The dataset concerns with the classification of two mental stages from recorded EEG signals: Planning (during imagination of motor act) and Relax state.
Classification / Univariate / 5180 Instances / 9 Features
The handwritten dataset was collected from 170 participants with a total of 5,180 numeral patterns. The dataset is named Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd University – Urdu/Arabic Database (PMU-UD).
手書きのデータセットは、170人の参加者から合計5,180の数字のパターンで収集されました。データセットはPrince Mohammad Bin Fahd University – Urdu/Arabic Database(PMU-UD)と名付けられた。
Classification / Univariate / 34470 Instances / 120 Features
Nomao collects data about places (name, phone, localization…) from many sources.Deduplication consists in detecting what data refer to the same place.Instances in the dataset compare 2 spots.
Immunotherapy Dataset
Classification / Univariate / 90 Instances / 8 Features
This dataset contains information about wart treatment results of 90 patients using immunotherapy.

Univariate, Sequential, Time-Series

Localization Data for Person Activity
Classification / Univariate, Sequential, Time-Series / 164860 Instances / 8 Features
Data contains recordings of five people performing different activities. Each person wore four sensors (tags) while performing the same scenario five times.

Univariate, Text

Classification / Univariate, Text / 294 Instances / 1 Features
Badges labeled with a +” or “-” as a function of a person’s name”


User Profiling and Abusive Language Detection Data
Classification / null / 65920 Instances / 3 Features
The user profiling dataset is a collection of abusive users tweets and also their user following and user follower tweets. The Abusive language detection dataset is a collection of abusive tweets.
Classification / null / 5000000 Instances / 18 Features
This is a classification problem to distinguish between a signal process which produces supersymmetric particles and a background process which does not.
One-hundred plant species leaves data set
Classification / null / 1600 Instances / 64 Features
Sixteen samples of leaf each of one-hundred plant species. For each sample, a shape descriptor, fine scale margin and texture histogram are given.
Newspaper and magazine images segmentation dataset
Classification / null / 101 Instances
Dataset is well suited for segmentation tasks. It contains 101 scanned pages from different newspapers and magazines in Russian with ground truth pixel-based masks.
Classification / null / 11000000 Instances / 28 Features
This is a classification problem to distinguish between a signal process which produces Higgs bosons and a background process which does not.
Devanagari Handwritten Character Dataset
Classification / null / 92000 Instances
This is an image database of Handwritten Devanagari characters. There are 46 classes of characters with 2000 examples each. The dataset is split into training set(85%) and testing set(15%).
Connectionist Bench (Vowel Recognition – Deterding
Classification / null / 528 Instances / 10 Features
Speaker independent recognition of the eleven steady state vowels of British English using a specified training set of lpc derived log area ratios.
Autism Screening Adult
Classification / null / 704 Instances / 21 Features
Autistic Spectrum Disorder Screening Data for Adult. This dataset is related to classification and predictive tasks.

Classification, Causal-Discovery


Classification, Causal-Discovery / Multivariate / 1570 Instances / 591 Features
Data from a semi-conductor manufacturing process

Multivariate, Univariate, Sequential, Text

Classification, Causal-Discovery / Multivariate, Univariate, Sequential, Text / 221580 Instances / 20 Features
MicroblogPCU data is crawled from sina weibo microblog[http://weibo.com/]. This data can be used to study machine learning methods as well as do some social network research.
MicroblogPCUのデータは、sina weibo microblog[http://weibo.com/]からクローリングされています。このデータは、機械学習の研究やソーシャルネットワークの研究に利用できます。

Classification, Clustering


gene expression cancer RNA-Seq
Classification, Clustering / Multivariate / 801 Instances / 20530 Features
This collection of data is part of the RNA-Seq (HiSeq) PANCAN data set, it is a random extraction of gene expressions of patients having different types of tumor: BRCA, KIRC, COAD, LUAD and PRAD.
chestnut – LARVIC
Classification, Clustering / Multivariate / 1450 Instances / 3 Features
The research project presents this database, shows the images of chestnuts that will be processed to determine the presence or absence of defects
Wholesale customers
Classification, Clustering / Multivariate / 440 Instances / 8 Features
The data set refers to clients of a wholesale distributor. It includes the annual spending in monetary units (m.u.) on diverse product categories
Visegrad Group companies data
Classification, Clustering / Multivariate / 85 Instances / 450 Features
The dataset concerns listed companies of the Visegrad Group ( Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia). The research period covers data for quarterly analysis(Q1 2017–Q1 2021), and yearly analysis 2017–2020. We computed 82 indicators. Data concerns 6 sectors (S): 1. Transportation and warehousing; 2. Wholesale trade; 3. Manufacturing; 4. Retail trade; 5. Energy; 6. Construction.The data was collected from Emerging Markets Information Service (EMIS, http://www.securities.com), which is a database containing information on emerging markets around the world.
データセットは、ヴィシェグラード・グループ(チェコ共和国、ハンガリー、ポーランド、スロバキア)の上場企業を対象としています。調査期間は、四半期分析(2017年第1四半期~2021年第1四半期)と年間分析2017年~2020年のデータをカバーしています。82の指標を計算しました。データは6セクター(S)に関係します:1.運輸・倉庫業、2.卸売業、3.製造業、4.小売業、5.エネルギー、6.建設業。データはEmerging Markets Information Service (EMIS, http://www.securities.com)から収集した。これは世界中の新興市場に関する情報を含むデータベースです。
User Knowledge Modeling
Classification, Clustering / Multivariate / 403 Instances / 5 Features
It is the real dataset about the students’ knowledge status about the subject of Electrical DC Machines. The dataset had been obtained from Ph.D. Thesis.
Turkiye Student Evaluation
Classification, Clustering / Multivariate / 5820 Instances / 33 Features
This data set contains a total 5820 evaluation scores provided by students from Gazi University in Ankara (Turkey). There is a total of 28 course specific questions and additional 5 attributes.
TV News Channel Commercial Detection Dataset
Classification, Clustering / Multivariate / 129690 Instances / 12 Features
TV Commercials data set consists of standard audio-visual features of video shots extracted from 150 hours of TV news broadcast of 3 Indian and 2 international news channels ( 30 Hours each).
Synthetic Circle Data Set
Classification, Clustering / Multivariate / 10000 Instances / 2 Features
This dataset comprises 10000 two-dimensional points arranged into 100 circles, each containing 100 points. It was designed to evaluate clustering algorithms, such as k-means, by providing a clear and structured clustering challenge.
このデータセットは、1000個の円に配置された10000個の2次元ポイントで構成され、それぞれに100個のポイントが含まれています。これは、明確で構造化されたクラスタリングの課題を提供することにより、k-meansなどのクラスタリング アルゴリズムを評価するように設計されています。
Shill Bidding Dataset
Classification, Clustering / Multivariate / 6320 Instances / 13 Features
We scraped a large number of eBay auctions of a popular product. After preprocessing the auction data, we build the SB dataset. The goal is to share the labelled SB dataset with the researchers.
Classification, Clustering / Multivariate / 210 Instances
Measurements of geometrical properties of kernels belonging to three different varieties of wheat. A soft X-ray technique and GRAINS package were used to construct all seven, real-valued attributes.
Classification, Clustering / Multivariate / 70 Instances
First self-care activities dataset based on ICF-CY.
Online Shoppers Purchasing Intention Dataset
Classification, Clustering / Multivariate / 12330 Instances / 18 Features
Of the 12,330 sessions in the dataset,84.5% (10,422) were negative class samples that did notend with shopping, and the rest (1908) were positive classsamples ending with shopping.
データセットの12,330セッションのうち、84.5% (10,422)はショッピングで終わらなかったネガティブクラスのサンプルで、残りのサンプル(1908)はショッピングで終わったポジティブクラスのサンプルでした。
Non Verbal Tourists
Classification, Clustering / Multivariate / 73 Instances / 22 Features
This dataset contains the information about non-verbal preferences of tourists
News Aggregator
Classification, Clustering / Multivariate / 422940 Instances / 5 Features
References to news pages collected from an web aggregator in the period from 10-March-2014 to 10-August-2014. The resources are grouped into clusters that represent pages discussing the same story.
Multi-view Brain Networks
Classification, Clustering / Multivariate / 70 Instances / 70 Features
Multi-layer brain network datasets derived from the resting-state electroencephalography (EEG) data.
Motion Capture Hand Postures
Classification, Clustering / Multivariate / 78100 Instances / 38 Features
5 types of hand postures from 12 users were recorded using unlabeled markers on fingers of a glove in a motion capture environment. Due to resolution and occlusion, missing values are common.
MoCap Hand Postures
Classification, Clustering / Multivariate / 78100 Instances / 38 Features
5 types of hand postures from 12 users were recorded using unlabeled markers attached to fingers of a glove in a motion capture environment. Due to resolution and occlusion, missing values are common.
Mice Protein Expression
Classification, Clustering / Multivariate / 1080 Instances / 82 Features
Expression levels of 77 proteins measured in the cerebral cortex of 8 classes of control and Down syndrome mice exposed to context fear conditioning, a task used to assess associative learning.
ICMLA 2014 Accepted Papers Data Set
Classification, Clustering / Multivariate / 105 Instances / 5 Features
This data set compromises the metadata for the 2014 ICMLA conference’s accepted papers, including ID, paper titles, author’s keywords, abstracts and sessions in which they were exposed.
Classification, Clustering / Multivariate / 17900 Instances / 9 Features
Pulsar candidates collected during the HTRU survey. Pulsars are a type of star, of considerable scientific interest. Candidates must be classified in to pulsar and non-pulsar classes to aid discovery.
HCV data
Classification, Clustering / Multivariate / 615 Instances / 12 Features
The data set contains laboratory values of blood donors and Hepatitis C patients and demographic values like age.
Classification, Clustering / Multivariate / 637 Instances / 20 Features
20 photos of leaves for each of 32 different species.
Classification, Clustering / Multivariate / 399 Instances / 4 Features
This repository introduces a novel dataset for the classification of 4 groups of respiratory diseases: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), asthma, infected, and Healthy Controls (HC).
Classification, Clustering / Multivariate / 399 Instances / 4 Features
This repository introduces a novel dataset for the classification of 4 groups of respiratory diseases: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), asthma, infected, and Healthy Controls (HC).
Dishonest Internet users Dataset
Classification, Clustering / Multivariate / 322 Instances / 5 Features
The dataset was used to test an architecture based on a trust model capable to cope with the evaluation of the trustworthiness of users interacting in pervasive environments.
Diabetes 130-US Hospitals for Years 1999-2008
Classification, Clustering / Multivariate / 101770 Instances / 47 Features
The dataset represents ten years (1999-2008) of clinical care at 130 US hospitals and integrated delivery networks. Each row concerns hospital records of patients diagnosed with diabetes, who underwent laboratory, medications, and stayed up to 14 days. The goal is to determine the early readmission of the patient within 30 days of discharge.The problem is important for the following reasons. Despite high-quality evidence showing improved clinical outcomes for diabetic patients who receive various preventive and therapeutic interventions, many patients do not receive them. This can be partially attributed to arbitrary diabetes management in hospital environments, which fail to attend to glycemic control. Failure to provide proper diabetes care not only increases the managing costs for the hospitals (as the patients are readmitted) but also impacts the morbidity and mortality of the patients, who may face complications associated with diabetes.
Codon usage
Classification, Clustering / Multivariate / 13030 Instances / 69 Features
DNA codon usage frequencies of a large sample of diverse biological organisms from different taxa
Chemical Composition of Ceramic Samples
Classification, Clustering / Multivariate / 88 Instances / 19 Features
Classify ceramic samples based on their chemical composition from energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence
Anuran Calls (MFCCs)
Classification, Clustering / Multivariate / 7200 Instances / 22 Features
Acoustic features extracted from syllables of anuran (frogs) calls, including the family, the genus, and the species labels (multilabel).
: Simulated Data set of Iraqi tourism places
Classification, Clustering / Multivariate / 232 Instances / 16 Features
Simulated Data set of Iraqi tourism places with their position (longitude,latitude)and type of interest for each place
イラクの観光地のシミュレーションデータセット イラクの観光地の位置(経度、緯度)と興味のある場所のタイプをシミュレートしたデータセット。

Multivariate, Sequential

Classification, Clustering / Multivariate, Sequential / 7060000 Instances / 115 Features
This dataset addresses the lack of public botnet datasets, especially for the IoT. It suggests *real* traffic data, gathered from 9 commercial IoT devices authentically infected by Mirai and BASHLITE.
Libras Movement
Classification, Clustering / Multivariate, Sequential / 360 Instances / 91 Features
The data set contains 15 classes of 24 instances each. Each class references to a hand movement type in LIBRAS (Portuguesename ‘LÍngua BRAsileira de Sinais’, oficial brazilian signal language).
データセットには、それぞれ24個のインスタンスからなる15個のクラスが含まれています。各クラスは、LIBRAS(ポルトガル語名「Lngua BRAsileira de Sinais」、ブラジルの公式な信号言語)の手の動きのタイプを参照しています。
Grammatical Facial Expressions
Classification, Clustering / Multivariate, Sequential / 27970 Instances / 100 Features
This dataset supports the development of models that make possible to interpret Grammatical Facial Expressions from Brazilian Sign Language (Libras).

Multivariate, Sequential, Time-Series

Gesture Phase Segmentation
Classification, Clustering / Multivariate, Sequential, Time-Series / 9900 Instances / 50 Features
The dataset is composed by features extracted from 7 videos with people gesticulating, aiming at studying Gesture Phase Segmentation. It contains 50 attributes divided into two files for each video.
BLE RSSI Dataset for Indoor localization and Navig
Classification, Clustering / Multivariate, Sequential, Time-Series / 6610 Instances / 15 Features
This dataset contains RSSI readings gathered from an array of Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) iBeacons in a real-world and operational indoor environment for localization and navigation purposes.
このデータセットには、定位とナビゲーションの目的で、実世界で運用されている屋内環境にあるBluetooth Low Energy (BLE) iBeaconsのアレイから収集されたRSSIの読み取り値が含まれています。
Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) Recognition Usin
Classification, Clustering / Multivariate, Sequential, Time-Series / 2750 Instances
This dataset comprises information regarding the ADLs performed by two users on a daily basis in their own homes.
Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) Recognition Usin
Classification, Clustering / Multivariate, Sequential, Time-Series / 2750 Instances
This dataset comprises information regarding the ADLs performed by two users on a daily basis in their own homes.

Multivariate, Text

YouTube Multiview Video Games Dataset
Classification, Clustering / Multivariate, Text / 120000 Instances / 1000000 Features
This dataset contains about 120k instances, each described by 13 feature types, with class information, specially useful for exploring multiview topics (cotraining, ensembles, clustering,..).
Travel Reviews
Classification, Clustering / Multivariate, Text / 980 Instances / 11 Features
Reviews on destinations in 10 categories mentioned across East Asia. Each traveler rating is mapped as Excellent(4), Very Good(3), Average(2), Poor(1), and Terrible(0) and average rating is used.
東アジア全域で言及されている10のカテゴリーの目的地についてのレビュー。各旅行者の評価は、Excellent(4)、Very Good(3)、Average(2)、Poor(1)、Terrible(0)とマッピングされ、平均評価が使用されています。
Travel Review Ratings
Classification, Clustering / Multivariate, Text / 5460 Instances
Google reviews on attractions from 24 categories across Europe are considered. Google user rating ranges from 1 to 5 and average user rating per category is calculated.
BuddyMove Data Set
Classification, Clustering / Multivariate, Text / 249 Instances / 7 Features
User interest information extracted from user reviews published in holidayiq.com about various types of point of interests in South India
A study of Asian Religious and Biblical Texts
Classification, Clustering / Multivariate, Text / 590 Instances / 8270 Features
Mainly from Project Gutenberg, we combine Upanishads, Yoga Sutras, Buddha Sutras, Tao Te Ching and Book of Wisdom, Book of Proverbs, Book of Ecclesiastes and Book of Ecclesiasticus
主にProject Gutenbergから、ウパニシャッド、ヨーガ経典、ブッダ経典、タオ・テーチングと知恵の書、箴言の書、エクレシアステスの書、エクレシアステスの書を組み合わせています。

Multivariate, Text, Domain-Theory

SMS Spam Collection
Classification, Clustering / Multivariate, Text, Domain-Theory / 5570 Instances
The SMS Spam Collection is a public set of SMS labeled messages that have been collected for mobile phone spam research.
Classification, Clustering / Multivariate, Text, Domain-Theory / 2500 Instances / 10000 Features
The dataset is used for authorship identification in online Writeprint which is a new research field of pattern recognition.

Multivariate, Time-Series

Heterogeneity Activity Recognition
Classification, Clustering / Multivariate, Time-Series / 43930000 Instances / 16 Features
The Heterogeneity Human Activity Recognition (HHAR) dataset from Smartphones and Smartwatches is a dataset devised to benchmark human activity recognition algorithms (classification, automatic data segmentation, sensor fusion, feature extraction, etc.) in real-world contexts; specifically, the dataset is gathered with a variety of different device models and use-scenarios, in order to reflect sensing heterogeneities to be expected in real deployments.
Smartphones and SmartwatchesのHeterogeneity Human Activity Recognition(HHAR)データセットは、実世界のコンテキストで人間の活動認識アルゴリズム(分類、自動データセグメンテーション、センサーフュージョン、特徴抽出など)をベンチマークするために考案されたデータセットです。具体的には、データセットは、実際の展開で予想されるセンシングの不均一性を反映するために、さまざまなデバイスモデルと使用シナリオで収集されます。
FMA: A Dataset For Music Analysis
Classification, Clustering / Multivariate, Time-Series / 106570 Instances / 518 Features
FMA features 106,574 tracks and includes song title, album, artist, genres; play counts, favorites, comments; description, biography, tags; together with audio (343 days, 917 GiB) and features.
Dataset for ADL Recognition with Wrist-worn Accele
Classification, Clustering / Multivariate, Time-Series
Recordings of 16 volunteers performing 14 Activities of Daily Living (ADL) while carrying a single wrist-worn tri-axial accelerometer.
Daily and Sports Activities
Classification, Clustering / Multivariate, Time-Series / 9120 Instances / 5630 Features
The dataset comprises motion sensor data of 19 daily and sports activities each performed by 8 subjects in their own style for 5 minutes. Five Xsens MTx units are used on the torso, arms, and legs.
データセットは、8人の被験者がそれぞれのスタイルで5分間行った19の日常活動とスポーツ活動のモーションセンサーデータから構成されています。5台のXsens MTxが胴体、腕、脚に使用されています。
Breath Metabolomics
Classification, Clustering / Multivariate, Time-Series / 104 Instances / 1660 Features
Breath analysis is a pivotal method for biological phenotyping. In a pilot study, 100 experiments with four subjects have been performed to study the reproducibility of this technique.
Bosch CNC Machining Dataset
Classification, Clustering / Multivariate, Time-Series / 2700 Instances / 3 Features
Manufacturing processes have undergone tremendous technological progress in recent decades. To meet the agile philosophy in industry, data-driven algorithms need to handle growing complexity, particularly in Computer Numerical Control machining. To enhance the scalability of machine learning in real-world applications, this paper presents a benchmark dataset for process monitoring of brownfield milling machines based on acceleration data. The data is collected from a real-world production plant using a smart data collection system over a two-years period. In this work, the edge-to-cloud setup is presented followed by an extensive description of the different normal and abnormal processes. An analysis of the dataset highlights the challenges of machine learning in industry caused by the environmental and industrial factors. The new dataset is published with this paper and available at: https://github.com/boschresearch/CNC_Machining.
Bitcoin Heist Ransomware Address
Classification, Clustering / Multivariate, Time-Series / 2920000 Instances / 10 Features
BitcoinHeist datasets contains address features on the heterogeneous Bitcoin network to identify ransomware payments.
Absenteeism at work
Classification, Clustering / Multivariate, Time-Series / 740 Instances / 21 Features
The database was created with records of absenteeism at work from July 2007 to July 2010 at a courier company in Brazil.
3W dataset
Classification, Clustering / Multivariate, Time-Series / 1980 Instances / 8 Features
The first realistic and public dataset with rare undesirable real events in oil wells.

Multivariate, Univariate

Cervical Cancer Behavior Risk
Classification, Clustering / Multivariate, Univariate / 72 Instances / 19 Features
The dataset contains 19 attributes regarding ca cervix behavior risk with class label is ca_cervix with 1 and 0 as values which means the respondent with and without ca cervix, respectively.

Tabular, Image, Other

Printed Circuit Board Processed Image
Classification, Clustering / Tabular, Image, Other / 723550 Instances / 6 Features
This CSV dataset, originally used for test-pad coordinate retrieval from PCB images, presents potential applications like classification (e.g., Grey test pad detection), anomaly detection (e.g., fake test pads), or clustering for grey test pads discovery. The dataset includes X and Y representing pixel positions, and R, G, B values determining pixel color (minmax normalized from 0-255). A ‘Grey’ field indicates approximate grey pixels. This dataset was originally used for a 2-stage discovery of high number of test pad clusters (>100) in a dataset presented in:@article{Tan2016FastRO, title={Fast retrievals of test-pad coordinates from photo images of printed circuit boards}, author={Swee Chuan Tan and Schumann Tong Wei Kit}, journal={2016 International Conference on Advanced Mechatronic Systems (ICAMechS)}, year={2016}, pages={464-467}, url={https://api.semanticscholar.org/CorpusID:38544897}}More pixels here than that in the paper due to different extraction method.
このCSVデータセットは、もともとPCB画像からテストパッド座標を検索するために使用され、分類(例えば、グレイテストパッド検出)、異常検出(例えば、偽のテストパッド)、またはグレイテストパッド発見のためのクラスタリングのような潜在的なアプリケーションを提示します。データセットには、ピクセルの位置を表すXとY、ピクセルの色を決定するR、G、B値(0~255で正規化された最小値)が含まれます。「グレイ」フィールドは、おおよそのグレイピクセルを示します。このデータセットは元々、で発表されたデータセットで、多数のテストパッドクラスター(>100)の2段階発見に使用されました:article{Tan2016FastRO, title={プリント基板の写真画像からのテストパッド座標の高速検索}, author={Swee Chuan Tan and Schumann Tong Wei Kit}, journal={2016 International Conference on Advanced Mechatronic Systems (ICAMechS)}, year={2016}, pages={464-467}, url={https://api.semanticscholar.org/CorpusID:38544897}. }抽出方法が異なるため、論文よりも画素数が多い。

Tabular, Multivariate

TCGA Kidney Cancers
Classification, Clustering / Tabular, Multivariate / 1020 Instances / 60660 Features
The TCGA Kidney Cancers Dataset is a bulk RNA-seq dataset that contains transcriptome profiles of patients diagnosed with three different subtypes of kidney cancers. This dataset can be used to make predictions about the specific subtype of kidney cancers given the normalized transcriptome profile data, as well as providing a hands-on experience on large and sparse genomic information.
TCGA Kidney Cancers Datasetは、3つの異なるサブタイプの腎臓がんと診断された患者のトランスクリプトーム・プロファイルを含むバルクRNA-seqデータセットです。このデータセットは、正規化されたトランスクリプトーム・プロファイル・データから、腎臓癌の特定のサブタイプについて予測を行うために使用することができます。

Tabular, Multivariate, Other

Land Mines
Classification, Clustering / Tabular, Multivariate, Other / 338 Instances / 4 Features
Detection of mines buried in the ground is very important in terms of safety of life and property. Many different methods have been used in this regard; however, it has not yet been possible to achieve 100% success. Mine detection process consists of sensor design, data analysis and decision algorithm phases. The magnetic anomaly method works according to the principle of measuring the anomalies resulting from the object in the magnetic field that disturbs the structure of it, the magnetic field, and the data obtained at this point are used to determine the conditions such as motion and position. The determination of parameters such as position, depth or direction of motion using magnetic anomaly has been carried out since 1970.


TTC-3600: Benchmark dataset for Turkish text categ
Classification, Clustering / Text / 3600 Instances / 4810 Features
The TTC-3600 data set is a collection of Turkish news and articles including categorized 3,600 documents from 6 well-known portals in Turkey. It has 4 different forms in ARFF Weka format.
トルコ語テキスト分類のベンチマークデータセット。TTC-3600データセットは、トルコの6つの有名ポータルから3,600件の文書を分類したトルコのニュースや記事を集めたものです。ARFF Weka形式で4つの異なる形式があります。
Gender by Name
Classification, Clustering / Text / 147270 Instances / 4 Features
This dataset attributes first names to genders, giving counts and probabilities. It combines open-source government data from the US, UK, Canada, and Australia.
Classification, Clustering / Text / 501 Instances / 13 Features
This dataset contain Attributes of dresses and their recommendations according to their sales.Sales are monitor on the basis of alternate days.


Classification, Clustering / Time-Series / 26140 Instances / 6 Features
The SELFBACK dataset is a Human Activity Recognition Dataset of 9activity classes recorded with two tri-axial accelerometers.
SELFBACKデータセットは、2つの三軸加速度計で記録された9つの活動クラスのHuman Activity Recognition Datasetです。
Synthetic Control Chart Time Series
Classification, Clustering / Time-Series / 600 Instances
This data consists of synthetically generated control charts.
Classification, Clustering / Time-Series / 6260 Instances / 710 Features
The MEx Multi-modal Exercise dataset contains data of 7 differentphysiotherapy exercises, performed by 30 subjects recorded with 2 accelerometers,a pressure mat and a depth camera.
Dow Jones Index
Classification, Clustering / Time-Series / 750 Instances / 16 Features
This dataset contains weekly data for the Dow Jones Industrial Index. It has been used in computational investing research.
Character Trajectories
Classification, Clustering / Time-Series / 2860 Instances / 3 Features
Multiple, labelled samples of pen tip trajectories recorded whilst writing individual characters. All samples are from the same writer, for the purposes of primitive extraction. Only characters with a single pen-down segment were considered.

Univariate, Domain-Theory

Perfume Data
Classification, Clustering / Univariate, Domain-Theory / 560 Instances / 2 Features
This data consists of odors of 20 different perfumes. Data was obtained by using a handheld odor meter (OMX-GR sensor) per second for 28 seconds period.

Univariate, Sequential, Time-Series

User Identification From Walking Activity
Classification, Clustering / Univariate, Sequential, Time-Series
The dataset collects data from an Android smartphone positioned in the chest pocket from 22 participants walking in the wild over a predefined path.
Activity Recognition from Single Chest-Mounted Acc
Classification, Clustering / Univariate, Sequential, Time-Series
The dataset collects data from a wearable accelerometer mounted on the chest. The dataset is intended for Activity Recognition research purposes.
Activity Recognition from Single Chest-Mounted Acc
Classification, Clustering / Univariate, Sequential, Time-Series
The dataset collects data from a wearable accelerometer mounted on the chest. The dataset is intended for Activity Recognition research purposes.

Classification, Clustering, Causal-Discovery


Classification, Clustering, Causal-Discovery / Multivariate / 79 Instances / 8 Features
Stone flakes are waste products of the stone tool production inthe prehistoric era. The variables are means of geometric andstylistic features of the flakes contained in different inventories.

Multivariate, Sequential, Time-Series

Kitsune Network Attack
Classification, Clustering, Causal-Discovery / Multivariate, Sequential, Time-Series / 27170000 Instances / 7 Features
A cybersecurity dataset containing nine different network attacks on a commercial IP-based surveillance system and an IoT network. The dataset includes reconnaissance, MitM, DoS, and botnet attacks.


Miskolc IIS Hybrid IPS
Classification, Clustering, Causal-Discovery / Text / 1540 Instances / 67 Features
The dataset was created for the comparison and evaluation of hybrid indoor positioning methods. The dataset presented contains data from W-LAN and Bluetooth interfaces, and Magnetometer.

Classification, Clustering, Other

Tabular, Text

Product Classification and Clustering
Classification, Clustering, Other / Tabular, Text / 35310 Instances / 7 Features
This dataset was collected from PriceRunner, a popular product comparison platform. It includes 35311 product offers from 10 categories, provided by 306 different merchants. This dataset offers an ideal ground for evaluating classification, clustering, and entity matching algorithms. Although it contains product-related data, it can still be applied to any problem involving text/short-text mining.


Physical Therapy Exercises
Classification, Clustering, Other / Time-Series / 268880 Instances
This dataset contains wearable inertial and magnetic sensor data during the execution of physical therapy exercises. There are eight types of physical therapy exercises, each of which has three execution types (correct, fast, and low-amplitude). Each execution type of each type of exercise was performed multiple times by five subjects. The subjects wore five MTx sensor units manufactured by XSens. Each unit contains three tri-axial sensors: an accelerometer, a gyroscope, and a magnetometer, sampled at 25 Hz.

Classification, Other


Jute Pest
Classification, Other / Image / 7240 Instances / 17 Features
This dataset has 17 classes. Data are divided in three partition train, val and test. The classes are 0 : Beet Armyworm1 : Black Hairy2 : Cutworm3 : Field Cricket4 : Jute Aphid5 : Jute Hairy6 : Jute Red Mite7 : Jute Semilooper8 : Jute Stem Girdler9 : Jute Stem Weevil10 : Leaf Beetle11 : Mealybug12 : Pod Borer13 : Scopula Emissaria14 : Termite15 : Termite odontotermes (Rambur)16 : Yellow Mite
このデータセットには17のクラスがあります。データは、train、val、testの3つのパーティションに分けられます。クラスは0 : Beet Armyworm 1 : Black Hairy 2:Cutworm 3 : Field Cricket 4 : Jute Aphid 5 : Jute Hairy 6 : Jute Red Mite 7 : Jute Semilooper 8 : Jute Stem Girdler 9 : Jute Stem Weevil 10 : Leaf Beetle 11: ミールバグ12: ポッドボーラー13:Scopula Emissaria 14 : Termite 15 : Odontotermes (Rambur) 16: イエダニ

Tabular, Multivariate

Glioma Grading Clinical and Mutation Features
Classification, Other / Tabular, Multivariate / 839 Instances / 23 Features
Gliomas are the most common primary tumors of the brain. They can be graded as LGG (Lower-Grade Glioma) or GBM (Glioblastoma Multiforme) depending on the histological/imaging criteria. Clinical and molecular/mutation factors are also very crucial for the grading process. Molecular tests are expensive to help accurately diagnose glioma patients. In this dataset, the most frequently mutated 20 genes and 3 clinical features are considered from TCGA-LGG and TCGA-GBM brain glioma projects. The prediction task is to determine whether a patient is LGG or GBM with a given clinical and molecular/mutation features. The main objective is to find the optimal subset of mutation genes and clinical features for the glioma grading process to improve performance and reduce costs.

Tabular, Other

Recipe Reviews and User Feedback
Classification, Other / Tabular, Other / 18180 Instances / 15 Features
The “Recipe Reviews and User Feedback Dataset” is a comprehensive repository of data encompassing various aspects of recipe reviews and user interactions. It includes essential information such as the recipe name, its ranking on the top 100 recipes list, a unique recipe code, and user details like user ID, user name, and an internal user reputation score.Each review comment is uniquely identified with a comment ID and comes with additional attributes, including the creation timestamp, reply count, and the number of up-votes and down-votes received. Users’ sentiment towards recipes is quantified on a 1 to 5 star rating scale, with a score of 0 denoting an absence of rating.This dataset is a valuable resource for researchers and data scientists, facilitating endeavors in sentiment analysis, user behavior analysis, recipe recommendation systems, and more. It offers a window into the dynamics of recipe reviews and user feedback within the culinary website domain.
「Recipe Reviews and User Feedback Dataset」はレシピのレビューとユーザーとのインタラクションの様々な側面を含む包括的なデータリポジトリです。レシピ名、トップ100レシピリストでのランキング、ユニークなレシピコード、ユーザーID、ユーザー名、ユーザーレピュテーションスコアなどのユーザー詳細などの重要な情報が含まれています。各レビューコメントはコメントIDで一意に識別され、作成タイムスタンプ、返信数、アップボート・ダウンボート数などの属性が追加されます。レシピに対するユーザーの感情は、1から5の星評価スケールで定量化され、0のスコアは評価がないことを示す。このデータセットは研究者やデータサイエンティストにとって貴重なリソースであり、センチメント分析、ユーザー行動分析、レシピ推奨システムなどの試みを促進します。このデータセットは、料理サイトの領域におけるレシピレビューやユーザーフィードバックのダイナミクスを知るための窓を提供します。

Classification, Regression


Classification, Regression / Multivariate / 21050 Instances / 529 Features
The UJIIndoorLoc is a Multi-Building Multi-Floor indoor localization database to test Indoor Positioning System that rely on WLAN/WiFi fingerprint.
Risk Factor Prediction of Chronic Kidney Disease
Classification, Regression / Multivariate / 200 Instances / 28 Features
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is an increasing medical issue that declines the productivity of renal capacities and subsequently damages the kidneys.
QSAR Bioconcentration classes dataset
Classification, Regression / Multivariate / 779 Instances / 14 Features
Dataset of manually-curated Bioconcentration factor (BCF, fish) and mechanistic classes for QSAR modeling.
Parkinson’s Speech with Multiple Types of Sound Re
Classification, Regression / Multivariate / 1040 Instances
The training data belongs to 20 Parkinson’s Disease (PD) patients and 20 healthy subjects. From all subjects, multiple types of sound recordings (26) are taken.
Parkinson’s Speech with Multiple Types of Sound Re
Classification, Regression / Multivariate / 1040 Instances
The training data belongs to 20 Parkinson’s Disease (PD) patients and 20 healthy subjects. From all subjects, multiple types of sound recordings (26) are taken.
Optical Interconnection Network
Classification, Regression / Multivariate / 640 Instances / 10 Features
This dataset contains 640 performance measurements from a simulation of 2-Dimensional Multiprocessor Optical Interconnection Network.
Online News Popularity
Classification, Regression / Multivariate / 39800 Instances / 61 Features
This dataset summarizes a heterogeneous set of features about articles published by Mashable in a period of two years. The goal is to predict the number of shares in social networks (popularity).
Classification, Regression / Multivariate / 216 Instances / 216 Features
Corpus intended to do cleaning (or binarization) and enhancement of noisy grayscale printed text images using supervised learning methods. Noisy images and their corresponding ground truth provided.
Iranian Churn
Classification, Regression / Multivariate / 3150 Instances / 13 Features
This dataset is randomly collected from an Iranian telecom company’s database over a period of 12 months.
Geographical Origin of Music
Classification, Regression / Multivariate / 1060 Instances / 68 Features
Instances in this dataset contain audio features extracted from 1059 wave files. The task associated with the data is to predict the geographical origin of music.
GPS Trajectories
Classification, Regression / Multivariate / 163 Instances / 15 Features
The dataset has been feed by Android app called Go!Track. It is available at Goolge Play Store(https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.go.router).
データセットはGo!Trackと呼ばれるAndroidアプリによって提供されています。Goolge Play Store(https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.go.router)で公開されています。
Classification, Regression / Multivariate / 100 Instances / 10 Features
100 volunteers provide a semen sample analyzed according to the WHO 2010 criteria. Sperm concentration are related to socio-demographic data, environmental factors, health status, and life habits
Energy Efficiency
Classification, Regression / Multivariate / 768 Instances / 8 Features
This study looked into assessing the heating load and cooling load requirements of buildings (that is, energy efficiency) as a function of building parameters.
Electrical Grid Stability Simulated Data
Classification, Regression / Multivariate / 10000 Instances
The local stability analysis of the 4-node star system (electricity producer is in the center) implementing Decentral Smart Grid Control concept.
Early biomarkers of Parkinson’s disease based on n
Classification, Regression / Multivariate / 130 Instances
Predict a pattern of neurodegeneration in the dataset of speech features obtained from patients with early untreated Parkinson’s disease and patients at high risk developing Parkinson’s disease.
Early biomarkers of Parkinson’s disease based on n
Classification, Regression / Multivariate / 130 Instances
Predict a pattern of neurodegeneration in the dataset of speech features obtained from patients with early untreated Parkinson’s disease and patients at high risk developing Parkinson’s disease.
Cuff-Less Blood Pressure Estimation
Classification, Regression / Multivariate / 12000 Instances
This Data set provides preprocessed and cleaned vital signals which can be used in designing algorithms for cuff-less estimation of the blood pressure.
CSM (Conventional and Social Media Movies) Dataset
Classification, Regression / Multivariate / 217 Instances / 12 Features
12 features categorized as conventional and social media features. Both conventional features, collected from movies databases on Web as well as social media features(YouTube,Twitter).
CSM (Conventional and Social Media Movies) Dataset
Classification, Regression / Multivariate / 217 Instances / 12 Features
12 features categorized as conventional and social media features. Both conventional features, collected from movies databases on Web as well as social media features(YouTube,Twitter).
Breast Cancer Wisconsin (Prognostic)
Classification, Regression / Multivariate / 198 Instances
Prognostic Wisconsin Breast Cancer Database
Bone marrow transplant: children
Classification, Regression / Multivariate / 187 Instances / 36 Features
The data set describes pediatric patients with several hematologic diseases, who were subject to the unmanipulated allogeneic unrelated donor hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.
children :このデータセットは、いくつかの血液学的疾患を持つ小児患者を対象としていますが、その中でも特に未分化同種無関係ドナー造血幹細胞移植の対象となっています。
Algerian Forest Fires
Classification, Regression / Multivariate / 244 Instances / 12 Features
The dataset includes 244 instances that regroup a data of two regions of Algeria.
Classification, Regression / Multivariate / 153000 Instances / 5 Features
Accelerometer data from vibrations of a cooler fan with weights on its blades. It can be used for predictions, classification and other tasks that require vibration analysis, especially in engines.

Multivariate, Sequential

Cargo 2000 Freight Tracking and Tracing
Classification, Regression / Multivariate, Sequential / 3940 Instances / 98 Features
Sanitized and anonymized Cargo 2000 (C2K) airfreight tracking and tracing events, covering five months of business execution (3,942 process instances, 7,932 transport legs, 56,082 activities).

Multivariate, Text

KDC-4007 dataset Collection
Classification, Regression / Multivariate, Text / 4010 Instances
KDC-4007 dataset Collection is the Kurdish Documents Classification text used in categories regarding Kurdish Sorani news and articles.

Multivariate, Time-Series

WESAD (Wearable Stress and Affect Detection)
Classification, Regression / Multivariate, Time-Series / 63000000 Instances / 12 Features
WESAD (Wearable Stress and Affect Detection) contains data of 15 subjects during a stress-affect lab study, while wearing physiological and motion sensors.
WESAD (Wearable Stress and Affect Detection)には、生理学的センサーとモーションセンサーを装着した状態でのストレス影響ラボ研究中の15人の被験者のデータが含まれています。
Productivity Prediction of Garment Employees
Classification, Regression / Multivariate, Time-Series / 1200 Instances / 15 Features
This dataset includes important attributes of the garment manufacturing process and the productivity of the employees which had been collected manually and also been validated by the industry experts.
Gas sensor array under flow modulation
Classification, Regression / Multivariate, Time-Series / 58 Instances / 120430 Features
The data set contains 58 time series acquired from 16 chemical sensors under gas flow modulation conditions. The sensors were exposed to different gaseous binary mixtures of acetone and ethanol.
Gas sensor array under dynamic gas mixtures
Classification, Regression / Multivariate, Time-Series / 4179999 Instances / 19 Features
The data set contains the recordings of 16 chemical sensors exposed to two dynamic gas mixtures at varying concentrations. For each mixture, signals were acquired continuously during 12 hours.
Gas sensor array temperature modulation
Classification, Regression / Multivariate, Time-Series / 4099999 Instances / 20 Features
A chemical detection platform composed of 14 temperature-modulated metal oxide (MOX) gas sensors was exposed during 3 weeks to mixtures of carbon monoxide and humid synthetic air in a gas chamber.
Gas sensor array exposed to turbulent gas mixtures
Classification, Regression / Multivariate, Time-Series / 180 Instances / 150000 Features
A chemical detection platform composed of 8 chemoresistive gas sensors was exposed to turbulent gas mixtures generated naturally in a wind tunnel. The acquired time series of the sensors are provided.
EEG Steady-State Visual Evoked Potential Signals
Classification, Regression / Multivariate, Time-Series / 9200 Instances
This database consists on 30 subjects performing Brain Computer Interface for Steady State Visual Evoked Potentials (BCI-SSVEP).
このデータベースは、Brain Computer Interface for Steady State Visual Evoked Potentials (BCI-SSVEP)を実施した30人の被験者で構成されています。
Dynamic Features of VirusShare Executables
Classification, Regression / Multivariate, Time-Series / 107890 Instances / 482 Features
This dataset contains the dynamic features of 107,888 executables, collected by VirusShare from Nov/2010 to Jul/2014.
Condition monitoring of hydraulic systems
Classification, Regression / Multivariate, Time-Series / 2210 Instances / 43680 Features
The data set addresses the condition assessment of a hydraulic test rig based on multi sensor data. Four fault types are superimposed with several severity grades impeding selective quantification.
Behavior of the urban traffic of the city of Sao P
Classification, Regression / Multivariate, Time-Series / 135 Instances / 18 Features
The database was created with records of behavior of the urban traffic of the city of Sao Paulo in Brazil.
Behavior of the urban traffic of the city of Sao P
Classification, Regression / Multivariate, Time-Series / 135 Instances / 18 Features
The database was created with records of behavior of the urban traffic of the city of Sao Paulo in Brazil.
Bar Crawl: Detecting Heavy Drinking
Classification, Regression / Multivariate, Time-Series / 14060000 Instances / 15 Features
Accelerometer and transdermal alcohol content data from a college bar crawl. Used to predict heavy drinking episodes via mobile data.

Multivariate, Time-Series, Domain-Theory

Twin gas sensor arrays
Classification, Regression / Multivariate, Time-Series, Domain-Theory / 640 Instances / 480000 Features
5 replicates of an 8-MOX gas sensor array were exposed to different gas conditions (4 volatiles at 10 concentration levels each).

Multivariate, Univariate, Time-Series

Classification, Regression / Multivariate, Univariate, Time-Series / 536 Instances / 8 Features
Data sets includes returns of Istanbul Stock Exchange with seven other international index; SP, DAX, FTSE, NIKKEI, BOVESPA, MSCE_EU, MSCI_EM from Jun 5, 2009 to Feb 22, 2011.


9mers from cullpdb
Classification, Regression / Sequential / 158720 Instances
The dataset consists of protein fragments of length nine, called 9mers, derived from 3,733 proteins selected by cullpdb [1]. All proteins have 1) resolution less than 1.6 angstrom, 2) R-factor less than 0.25, 3) sequence identity below 20%. In addition, all proteins with identity above 20% to CASP13 targets are removed. All torsion angle-pairs are in the allowed region of the Ramachandran plot (fragments containing outliers were detected by the Ramalyze function of the crystallography software PHENIX [1] and removed). The dataset has ~158,000 entries randomly split into train, test, and validation sets with a 60/20/20 split.
データセットは、cullpdb [1]によって選択された3,733個のタンパク質に由来する、9merと呼ばれる長さ9のタンパク質断片で構成されています。すべてのタンパク質は、1)分解能が1.6オングストローム未満、2) R因子が0.25未満、3)配列同一性が20%未満です。さらに、CASP13ターゲットに対して20%を超える同一性を持つすべてのタンパク質が除去されます。すべてのねじれ角ペアは、ラマチャンドラン プロットの許容領域内にあります(外れ値を含むフラグメントは、結晶解析ソフトウェアPHENIX [1]のRamalyze機能によって検出され、削除されました)。データセットには、60/20/20の分割でトレーニング、テスト、検証セットにランダムに分割された約158,000のエントリがあります。

Sequential, Time-Series

CNNpred: CNN-based stock market prediction using a
Classification, Regression / Sequential, Time-Series / 1990 Instances / 84 Features
This dataset contains several daily features of S&P 500, NASDAQ Composite, Dow Jones Industrial Average, RUSSELL 2000, and NYSE Composite from 2010 to 2017.
このデータセットには、2010年から2017年までのS&P 500、NASDAQ総合指数、ダウ・ジョーンズ工業株平均、ラッセル2000、NYSE総合指数の日次データが含まれています。
CNNpred: CNN-based stock market prediction using a
Classification, Regression / Sequential, Time-Series / 1990 Instances / 84 Features
This dataset contains several daily features of S&P 500, NASDAQ Composite, Dow Jones Industrial Average, RUSSELL 2000, and NYSE Composite from 2010 to 2017.
多様な変数を用いたCNNベースの株式市場予測.このデータセットには、2010年から2017年までのS&P500、NASDAQコンポジット、ダウ・ジョーンズ工業平均、RUSSELL 2000、NYSEコンポジットの日次特徴量が含まれています。


Auction Verification
Classification, Regression / Tabular / 2040 Instances / 7 Features
We modeled a simultaneous multi-round auction with BPMN models, transformed the latter to Petri nets, and used a model checker to verify whether certain outcomes of the auction are possible or not.

Tabular, Multivariate

AIDS Clinical Trials Group Study 175
Classification, Regression / Tabular, Multivariate / 2140 Instances / 23 Features
The AIDS Clinical Trials Group Study 175 Dataset contains healthcare statistics and categorical information about patients who have been diagnosed with AIDS. This dataset was initially published in 1996. The prediction task is to predict whether or not each patient died within a certain window of time or not.
AIDS Clinical Trials Group Study 175 Datasetには、AIDSと診断された患者に関する医療統計とカテゴリー情報が含まれています。このデータセットは1996年に発表されました。予測課題は、各患者がある時間内に死亡したか否かを予測することです。


Paper Reviews
Classification, Regression / Text / 405 Instances / 10 Features
This sentiment analysis data set contains scientific paper reviews from an international conference on computing and informatics. The task is to predict the orientation or the evaluation of a review.

Univariate, Domain-Theory

Container Crane Controller Data Set
Classification, Regression / Univariate, Domain-Theory / 15 Instances / 3 Features
A container crane has the function of transporting containers from one point to another point.


Las Vegas Strip
Classification, Regression / null / 504 Instances / 20 Features
This dataset includes quantitative and categorical features from online reviews from 21 hotels located in Las Vegas Strip, extracted from TripAdvisor (http://www.tripadvisor.com).

Classification, Regression, Causal-Discovery

Multivariate, Sequential, Time-Series

Pedestrians in Traffic
Classification, Regression, Causal-Discovery / Multivariate, Sequential, Time-Series / 4760 Instances / 14 Features
This data-set contains a number of pedestrian tracks recorded from a vehicle driving in a town in southern Germany. The data is particularly well-suited for multi-agent motion prediction tasks.

Multivariate, Time-Series

AI4I 2020 Predictive Maintenance Dataset
Classification, Regression, Causal-Discovery / Multivariate, Time-Series / 10000 Instances / 14 Features
The AI4I 2020 Predictive Maintenance Dataset is a synthetic dataset that reflects real predictive maintenance data encountered in industry.
AI4I 2020 Predictive Maintenance Datasetは、産業界で遭遇する実際の予測メンテナンスデータを反映した合成データセットです。

Classification, Regression, Clustering


Tennis Major Tournament Match Statistics
Classification, Regression, Clustering / Multivariate / 127 Instances / 42 Features
This is a collection of 8 files containing the match statistics for both women and men at the four major tennis tournaments of the year 2013. Each file has 42 columns and a minimum of 76 rows.
Tamilnadu Electricity Board Hourly Readings
Classification, Regression, Clustering / Multivariate / 45780 Instances / 5 Features
This data can be effectively produced the result to fewer parameter of the Load profile can be reduced in the Database
South German Credit
Classification, Regression, Clustering / Multivariate / 1000 Instances / 21 Features
700 good and 300 bad credits with 20 predictor variables. Data from 1973 to 1975. Stratified sample from actual credits with bad credits heavily oversampled. A cost matrix can be used.
South German Credit
Classification, Regression, Clustering / Multivariate / 1000 Instances / 21 Features
700 good and 300 bad credits with 20 predictor variables. Data from 1973 to 1975. Stratified sample from actual credits with bad credits heavily oversampled. A cost matrix can be used.
Parkinson Disease Spiral Drawings Using Digitized
Classification, Regression, Clustering / Multivariate / 77 Instances / 7 Features
Handwriting database consists of 62 PWP(People with Parkinson) and 15 healthy individuals. Three types of recordings (Static Spiral Test, Dynamic Spiral Test and Stability Test) are taken.
手書きデータベースは、62名のPWP(People with Parkinson)と15名の健常者から構成されています。3種類の記録(Static Spiral Test, Dynamic Spiral Test, Stability Test)を取得しました。
Parkinson Disease Spiral Drawings Using Digitized
Classification, Regression, Clustering / Multivariate / 77 Instances / 7 Features
Handwriting database consists of 62 PWP(People with Parkinson) and 15 healthy individuals. Three types of recordings (Static Spiral Test, Dynamic Spiral Test and Stability Test) are taken.
Improved Spiral Test Using Digitized Graphics Tabl
Classification, Regression, Clustering / Multivariate / 40 Instances / 7 Features
Handwriting database consists of 25 PWP(People with Parkinson) and 15 healthy individuals.Three types of recordings (Static Spiral Test, Dynamic Spiral Test and Stability Test) are taken.
Improved Spiral Test Using Digitized Graphics Tabl
Classification, Regression, Clustering / Multivariate / 40 Instances / 7 Features
Handwriting database consists of 25 PWP(People with Parkinson) and 15 healthy individuals.Three types of recordings (Static Spiral Test, Dynamic Spiral Test and Stability Test) are taken.
Heart Failure Clinical Records
Classification, Regression, Clustering / Multivariate / 299 Instances / 12 Features
This dataset contains the medical records of 299 patients who had heart failure, collected during their follow-up period, where each patient profile has 13 clinical features.
Classification, Regression, Clustering / Multivariate / 606 Instances / 6400 Features
The DrivFace contains images sequences of subjects while driving in real scenarios. It is composed of 606 samples of 640×480, acquired over different days from 4 drivers with several facial features.
Apartment for Rent Classified
Classification, Regression, Clustering / Multivariate / 10000 Instances / 21 Features
This is a dataset of classified for apartments for rent in USA.
Alcohol QCM Sensor
Classification, Regression, Clustering / Multivariate / 125 Instances / 8 Features
Five different QCM gas sensors are used, and five different gas measurements (1-octanol, 1-propanol, 2-butanol, 2-propanol and 1-isobutanol) are conducted in each of these sensors.

Multivariate, Sequential

Clickstream Data for Online Shopping
Classification, Regression, Clustering / Multivariate, Sequential / 165470 Instances / 14 Features
The dataset contains information on clickstream from online store offering clothing for pregnant women.

Multivariate, Sequential, Time-Series

Classification, Regression, Clustering / Multivariate, Sequential, Time-Series / 40000 Instances / 13 Features
The UJIIndoorLoc-Mag is an indoor localization database to test Indoor Positioning System that rely on Earth’s magnetic field variations.
Open University Learning Analytics dataset
Classification, Regression, Clustering / Multivariate, Sequential, Time-Series
Open University Learning Analytics Dataset contains data about courses, students and their interactions with Virtual Learning Environment for seven selected courses and more than 30000 students.
Open University Learning Analytics Datasetには、選択された7つのコースと30000人以上の学生のコース、学生、仮想学習環境との相互作用に関するデータが含まれています。
Geo-Magnetic field and WLAN dataset for indoor loc
Classification, Regression, Clustering / Multivariate, Sequential, Time-Series / 153540 Instances / 25 Features
A multisource and multivariate dataset for indoor localisation methods based on WLAN and Geo-Magnetic field fingerprinting
Geo-Magnetic field and WLAN dataset for indoor loc
Classification, Regression, Clustering / Multivariate, Sequential, Time-Series / 153540 Instances / 25 Features
A multisource and multivariate dataset for indoor localisation methods based on WLAN and Geo-Magnetic field fingerprinting
Educational Process Mining (EPM): A Learning Analy
Classification, Regression, Clustering / Multivariate, Sequential, Time-Series / 230320 Instances / 13 Features
Educational Process Mining data set is built from the recordings of 115 subjects’ activities through a logging application while learning with an educational simulator.
Educational Process Mining (EPM): A Learning Analy
Classification, Regression, Clustering / Multivariate, Sequential, Time-Series / 230320 Instances / 13 Features
Educational Process Mining data set is built from the recordings of 115 subjects’ activities through a logging application while learning with an educational simulator.

Multivariate, Sequential, Time-Series, Text

Online Retail II
Classification, Regression, Clustering / Multivariate, Sequential, Time-Series, Text / 1070000 Instances / 541910 Features
A real online retail transaction data set of two years.

Multivariate, Text

Drug Reviews (Druglib.com)
Classification, Regression, Clustering / Multivariate, Text / 4140 Instances
The dataset provides patient reviews on specific drugs along with related conditions. Reviews and ratings are grouped into reports on the three aspects benefits, side effects and overall comment.

Multivariate, Time-Series

Gas sensor array low-concentration
Classification, Regression, Clustering / Multivariate, Time-Series / 90 Instances
This dataset contains 6 gas responses collected by a sensor array consisting of 10 metal oxide semiconductor sensors, with gas concentrations at the ppb level (below the minimum detection limit of the sensors)

Multivariate, Time-Series, Spatiotemporal

Twitter Geospatial Data
Classification, Regression, Clustering / Multivariate, Time-Series, Spatiotemporal / 14260000 Instances / 4 Features
Seven days of geo-tagged Tweet data from the United States with exact GPS location and timestamp.

Multivariate, Univariate, Sequential, Time-Series

Parking Birmingham
Classification, Regression, Clustering / Multivariate, Univariate, Sequential, Time-Series / 35720 Instances / 4 Features
Data collected from car parks in Birmingham that are operated by NCP from Birmingham City Council. UK Open Government Licence (OGL).https://data.birmingham.gov.uk/dataset/birmingham-parking
バーミンガム市議会からNCPが運営するバーミンガム市内の駐車場から収集したデータ。UK Open Government Licence (OGL) https://data.birmingham.gov.uk/dataset/birmingham-parking。

Multivariate, Univariate, Text

KEGG Metabolic Relation Network (Directed)
Classification, Regression, Clustering / Multivariate, Univariate, Text / 53410 Instances / 24 Features
KEGG Metabolic pathways modeled as directed relation network. Variety of graphical features presented.
KEGG Metabolic Reaction Network (Undirected)
Classification, Regression, Clustering / Multivariate, Univariate, Text / 65550 Instances / 29 Features
KEGG Metabolic pathways modeled as un-directed reaction network. Variety of graphical features presented.

Sequential, Multivariate, Time-Series

Multivariate Gait Data
Classification, Regression, Clustering / Sequential, Multivariate, Time-Series / 181800 Instances / 7 Features
Bilateral (left, right) joint angle (ankle, knee, hip) times series data collected from 10 healthy subjects under 3 walking conditions (unbraced, knee braced, ankle braced). For each condition, each subject’s data consists of 10 consecutive gait cycles.


Assessing Mathematics Learning in Higher Education
Classification, Regression, Clustering / Tabular / 9550 Instances / 8 Features
MathE is a mathematical platform developed under the MathE project (mathe.pixel-online.org). The dataset has 9546 answers to questions in the Mathematical topics taught in higher education. The file has eight features, named: Student ID, Student Country, Question ID, Type of answer (correct or incorrect), Question level (basic or advanced), Math Topic, Math Subtopic, and Question Keywords. The question level was associated with the professor who submitted the question. The data was obtained from February 2019 until December 2023.
MathEはMathEプロジェクト(mathe.pixel-online.org)の下で開発された数学プラットフォームです。このデータセットには、高等教育で習う数学のトピックの問題に対する9546の解答が含まれています。このファイルには8つの特徴があります: 学生ID、学生の国、問題ID、解答のタイプ(正解または不正解)、問題レベル(基礎または応用)、数学トピック、数学サブトピック、問題キーワードです。問題レベルは問題を提出した教授に関連付けられています。データは2019年2月から2023年12月まで取得しました。
Assessing Mathematics Learning in Higher Education
Classification, Regression, Clustering / Tabular / 9550 Instances / 8 Features
MathE is a mathematical platform developed under the MathE project (mathe.pixel-online.org). The dataset has 9546 answers to questions in the Mathematical topics taught in higher education. The file has eight features, named: Student ID, Student Country, Question ID, Type of answer (correct or incorrect), Question level (basic or advanced), Math Topic, Math Subtopic, and Question Keywords. The question level was associated with the professor who submitted the question. The data was obtained from February 2019 until December 2023.

Tabular, Sequential, Multivariate

Classification, Regression, Clustering / Tabular, Sequential, Multivariate / 123120 Instances / 84 Features
The RT-IoT2022, a proprietary dataset derived from a real-time IoT infrastructure, is introduced as a comprehensive resource integrating a diverse range of IoT devices and sophisticated network attack methodologies. This dataset encompasses both normal and adversarial network behaviours, providing a general representation of real-world scenarios.Incorporating data from IoT devices such as ThingSpeak-LED, Wipro-Bulb, and MQTT-Temp, as well as simulated attack scenarios involving Brute-Force SSH attacks, DDoS attacks using Hping and Slowloris, and Nmap patterns, RT-IoT2022 offers a detailed perspective on the complex nature of network traffic. The bidirectional attributes of network traffic are meticulously captured using the Zeek network monitoring tool and the Flowmeter plugin. Researchers can leverage the RT-IoT2022 dataset to advance the capabilities of Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS), fostering the development of robust and adaptive security solutions for real-time IoT networks.


Turkish Crowdfunding Startups
Classification, Regression, Clustering / Text / 1630 Instances / 37 Features
This dataset contains data on crowdfunding campaigns in Turkey. The dataset includes various characteristics such as crowdfunding projects, project descriptions, targeted and raised funds, campaign durations, and number of backers. Collected in 2022, this dataset provides a valuable resource for researchers who want to understand and analyze the crowdfunding ecosystem in Turkey. In total, there are data from more than 1500 projects on 6 different platforms. The dataset is particularly useful for training natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning models. This dataset is an important reference point for studies on the characteristics of successful crowdfunding campaigns and provides comprehensive information for entrepreneurs, investors and researchers in Turkey.
このデータセットには、トルコのクラウドファンディングキャンペーンに関するデータが含まれています。データセットには、クラウドファンディングプロジェクト、プロジェクトの説明、ターゲットを絞った資金と調達した資金、キャンペーン期間、支援者の数など、さまざまな特性が含まれています。2022年に収集されたこのデータセットは、トルコのクラウドファンディングエコシステムを理解し分析したい研究者にとって貴重なリソースを提供します。合計で、6つの異なるプラットフォーム上の1500以上のプロジェクトからのデータがあります。このデータセットは、自然言語処理(NLP)モデルや機械学習モデルのトレーニングに特に役立ちます。このデータセットは、成功したクラウドファンディング キャンペーンの特性に関する研究の重要な参照ポイントであり、トルコの起業家、投資家、研究者に包括的な情報を提供します。
Open Web Text Corpus
Classification, Regression, Clustering / Text / 8010000 Instances
We started by extracting all Reddit post urls from the Reddit submissions dataset. These links were deduplicated, filtered to exclude non-html content, and then shuffled randomly. The links were then distributed to several machines in parallel for download, and all web pages were extracted using the newspaper python package. Using Facebook FastText, non-English web pages were filtered out.Subsequently, near-duplicate documents were identified using local-sensitivity hashing (LSH). Documents were hashed into sets of 5-grams and all documents that had a similarity threshold of greater than 0.5 were removed. The remaining documents were tokenized, and documents with fewer than 128 tokens were removed. This left 38GB of text data (40GB using SI units) from 8,013,769 documents.
まず、Reddit投稿データセットからすべてのReddit投稿のURLを抽出することから始めた。これらのリンクは重複排除され、非htmlコンテンツを除外するためにフィルタリングされた後、ランダムにシャッフルされました。その後、リンクを複数のマシンに並列に分散してダウンロードし、すべてのウェブページをnewspaper pythonパッケージを使って抽出した。Facebook FastTextを使い、英語以外のウェブページをフィルタリングした。その後、ローカルセンシティビティハッシュ(LSH)を用いて、重複に近い文書を特定した。文書は5-gramの集合にハッシュ化され、類似度の閾値が0.5を超える文書はすべて削除されました。残りの文書はトークン化され、128トークン未満の文書は削除されました。これで8,013,769文書から38GB(SI単位では40GB)のテキストデータが残った。

Classification, Regression, Clustering, Causa

Multivariate, Time-Series

Gas Sensor Array Drift at Different Concentrations
Classification, Regression, Clustering, Causa / Multivariate, Time-Series / 13910 Instances
This archive contains 13910 measurements from 16 chemical sensors exposed to 6 different gases at various concentration levels.

Classification, Regression, Clustering, Other

Multivariate, Time-Series

UR3 CobotOps
Classification, Regression, Clustering, Other / Multivariate, Time-Series / 7410 Instances / 21 Features
The UR3 CobotOps Dataset is an essential collection of multi-dimensional time-series data from the UR3 cobot, offering insights into operational parameters and faults for machine learning in robotics and automation. It features electrical currents, temperatures, speeds across joints (J0-J5), gripper current, operation cycle count, protective stops, and grip losses, collected via MODBUS and RTDE protocols. This dataset supports research in fault detection, predictive maintenance, and operational optimization, providing a detailed operational snapshot of a leading cobot model for industrial applications
UR3 CobotOpsデータセットは、UR3コボットからの多次元時系列データの重要なコレクションであり、ロボット工学とオートメーションにおける機械学習のための操作パラメータと故障に関する洞察を提供します。MODBUSおよびRTDEプロトコルを介して収集された電流、温度、関節(J0-J5)間の速度、グリッパー電流、動作サイクル数、保護停止、グリップロスを備えています。このデータセットは、故障検出、予知保全、運用最適化の研究をサポートし、産業用アプリケーションの主要なコボットモデルの詳細な運用スナップショットを提供します。


Shell Commands Used by Participants of Hands-on Cy
Classification, Regression, Clustering, Other / Sequential / 21460 Instances / 9 Features
We present a dataset of 21459 shell commands from 275 participants who attended cybersecurity training and solved assignments in the Linux terminal. Each acquired data record contains a command with its arguments and metadata, such as a timestamp, working directory, and host identification in the emulated training infrastructure. The commands were captured in Bash, ZSH, and Metasploit shells. The data are stored as JSON records collected using an open-source logging toolset and two open-source interactive learning environments. Researchers and developers may freely use the dataset or deploy the learning environments with the logging toolset to generate their own data in the same format.
Shell Commands Used by Participants of Hands-on Cy
Classification, Regression, Clustering, Other / Sequential / 21460 Instances / 9 Features
We present a dataset of 21459 shell commands from 275 participants who attended cybersecurity training and solved assignments in the Linux terminal. Each acquired data record contains a command with its arguments and metadata, such as a timestamp, working directory, and host identification in the emulated training infrastructure. The commands were captured in Bash, ZSH, and Metasploit shells. The data are stored as JSON records collected using an open-source logging toolset and two open-source interactive learning environments. Researchers and developers may freely use the dataset or deploy the learning environments with the logging toolset to generate their own data in the same format.


Forty Soybean Cultivars from Subsequent Harvests
Classification, Regression, Clustering, Other / Tabular / 320 Instances / 11 Features
Soybean cultivation is one of the most important because it is used in several segments of the food industry. The evaluation of soybean cultivars subject to different planting and harvesting characteristics is an ongoing field of research. We present a dataset obtained from forty soybean cultivars planted in subsequent seasons. The experiment used randomized blocks, arranged in a split-plot scheme, with four replications. The following variables were collected: plant height, insertion of the first pod, number of stems, number of legumes per plant, number of grains per pod, thousand seed weight, and grain yield, resulting in 320 data samples. The dataset presented can be used by researchers from different fields of activity.

Tabular, Sequential, Multivariate, Time-Series

MOVER: Medical Informatics Operating Room Vitals a
Classification, Regression, Clustering, Other / Tabular, Sequential, Multivariate, Time-Series / 83470 Instances
This first release of MOVER includes adult patients who underwent surgery at the University of California Irvine Medical Center from 2015 to 2022. Data for patients who underwent surgery were captured from two different sources: High-fidelity physiological waveforms from all of the operating rooms were captured in real time and matched with Electronic Medical Record Data. MOVER includes data from 58,799 unique patients and 83,468 surgeries. The dataset is freely available to all researchers who sign a data usage agreement.
このMOVERの最初のリリースには、2015年から2022年までにカリフォルニア大学アーバイン医療センターで手術を受けた成人患者が含まれています。手術を受けた患者のデータは2つの異なるソースから取得されました: すべての手術室から高忠実度の生理学的波形をリアルタイムで取得し、電子カルテデータと照合しました。MOVERには、58,799人のユニークな患者と83,468件の手術のデータが含まれています。このデータセットは、データ利用契約に署名したすべての研究者が自由に利用できます。
MOVER: Medical Informatics Operating Room Vitals a
Classification, Regression, Clustering, Other / Tabular, Sequential, Multivariate, Time-Series / 83470 Instances
This first release of MOVER includes adult patients who underwent surgery at the University of California Irvine Medical Center from 2015 to 2022. Data for patients who underwent surgery were captured from two different sources: High-fidelity physiological waveforms from all of the operating rooms were captured in real time and matched with Electronic Medical Record Data. MOVER includes data from 58,799 unique patients and 83,468 surgeries. The dataset is freely available to all researchers who sign a data usage agreement.

Classification, Regression, Other

Tabular, Multivariate

Classification, Regression, Other / Tabular, Multivariate / 9110 Instances / 42 Features
This dataset comprises 9105 individual critically ill patients across 5 United States medical centers, accessioned throughout 1989-1991 and 1992-1994.Each row concerns hospitalized patient records who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria for nine disease categories: acute respiratory failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, congestive heart failure, liver disease, coma, colon cancer, lung cancer, multiple organ system failure with malignancy, and multiple organ system failure with sepsis. The goal is to determine these patients’ 2- and 6-month survival rates based on several physiologic, demographics, and disease severity information. It is an important problem because it addresses the growing national concern over patients’ loss of control near the end of life. It enables earlier decisions and planning to reduce the frequency of a mechanical, painful, and prolonged dying process.



Water Treatment Plant
Clustering / Multivariate / 527 Instances
Multiple classes predict plant state
Vehicle routing and scheduling problems
Clustering / Multivariate / 18 Instances / 9 Features
Data collection was conducted through notes taken during the distribution of orders in a courier company that operates in the region and in the city of São Paulo (Brazil).
US Census Data (1990)
Clustering / Multivariate / 2460000 Instances / 68 Features
The USCensus1990raw data set contains a one percent sample of the Public Use Microdata Samples (PUMS) person records drawn from the full 1990 census sample.
USCensus1990rawデータセットには、1990年の国勢調査の全サンプルから抽出された公共利用マイクロデータサンプル(Public Use Microdata Samples: PUMS)の人物記録の1%のサンプルが含まれています。
Stock keeping units
Clustering / Multivariate / 2280 Instances / 9 Features
The dataset is provided by the “Trialto Latvia LTD”, the third-party logistics operator. Each observation stands for a distinct type of item for sale.
データセットは、「Trialto Latvia LTD」(第三者物流業者)によって提供されています。各オブザベーションは、販売品目の異なるタイプを表しています。
Stock keeping units
Clustering / Multivariate / 2280 Instances / 9 Features
The dataset is provided by the “Trialto Latvia LTD”, the third-party logistics operator. Each observation stands for a distinct type of item for sale.
データセットは、「Trialto Latvia LTD」(第三者物流業者)によって提供されています。各オブザベーションは、販売品目の異なるタイプを表しています。
Clustering / Multivariate / 76 Instances / 45 Features
Data on sponges; Attributes in spanish
Repeat Consumption Matrices
Clustering / Multivariate / 130000 Instances / 21000 Features
The dataset contains 7 datasets of User – Item matrices, where each entry represents how many times a user consumed an item. Item is used as an umbrella term for various categories.
データセットには7つのUser – Item行列が含まれており、各項目はユーザーがある項目を何回消費したかを表しています。アイテムは、様々なカテゴリの包括的な用語として使用されます。
Clustering / Multivariate / 34780 Instances / 70 Features
Data has been extracted from the USDA plants database. It contains all plants (species and genera) in the database and the states of USA and Canada where they occur.
Facebook Live Sellers in Thailand
Clustering / Multivariate / 7050 Instances / 12 Features
Facebook pages of 10 Thai fashion and cosmetics retail sellers. Posts of a different nature (video, photos, statuses, and links). Engagement metrics consist of comments, shares, and reactions.
AAAI 2014 Accepted Papers
Clustering / Multivariate / 399 Instances / 6 Features
This data set compromises the metadata for the 2014 AAAI conference’s accepted papers, including paper titles, authors, abstracts, and keywords of varying granularity.
AAAI 2013 Accepted Papers
Clustering / Multivariate / 150 Instances / 5 Features
This data set compromises the metadata for the 2013 AAAI conference’s accepted papers (main track only), including paper titles, abstracts, and keywords of varying granularity.

Multivariate, Sequential, Text

Clustering / Multivariate, Sequential, Text / 10420 Instances / 7 Features
NYSK (New York v. Strauss-Kahn) is a collection of English news articles about the case relating to allegations of sexual assault against the former IMF director Dominique Strauss-Kahn (May 2011).
NYSK (New York v. Strauss-Kahn)は、ドミニク・ストラウス=カーン元IMF理事に対する性的暴行疑惑に関する事件(2011年5月)についての英語ニュース記事を集めたものです。

Multivariate, Text

Mturk User-Perceived Clusters over Images
Clustering / Multivariate, Text / 180 Instances / 500 Features
This dataset was collected by Shan-Hung Wu and DataLab members at NTHU, Taiwan. There’re 325 user-perceived clusters from 100 users and their corresponding descriptions.
このデータセットは、台湾のNTHUのShan-Hung WuとDataLabのメンバーによって収集されました。100人のユーザーの中から325人のユーザーが感知したクラスタと、それに対応する説明があります。

Multivariate, Time-Series

Sales Transactions Weekly
Clustering / Multivariate, Time-Series / 811 Instances
Contains weekly purchased quantities of 800 over products over 52 weeks. Normalised values are provided too.

Sequential, Text

DSRC Vehicle Communications
Clustering / Sequential, Text / 10000 Instances / 5 Features
This set Provides data regarding wireless communications between vehicles and road side units. two separate data sets are provided (normal scenario) and in the presence of attacker (jammer).
車両と路側機との無線通信に関するデータを提供します。2つの別々のデータ セットが提供され(通常のシナリオ)、攻撃者が存在する場合(ジャマー)があります。


NIPS Conference Papers 1987-2015
Clustering / Text / 11460 Instances / 5810 Features
This data set contains the distribution of words in the full text of the NIPS conference papers published from 1987 to 2015.
Health News in Twitter
Clustering / Text / 58000 Instances / 25000 Features
The data was collected in 2015 using Twitter API. This dataset contains health news from more than 15 major health news agencies such as BBC, CNN, and NYT.
データは2015年にTwitter APIを使用して収集されました。このデータセットには、BBC、CNN、NYTなど15以上の主要な健康ニュース機関の健康ニュースが含まれています。
Bag of Words
Clustering / Text / 8000000 Instances / 100000 Features
This data set contains five text collections in the form of bags-of-words.


UrbanGB, urban road accidents coordinates labelled
Clustering / Univariate / 360180 Instances / 2 Features
Coordinates (longitude and latitude) of 360177 road accidents occurred in urban areas in Great Britain, and labelled according to the urban center where they occurred (469 possible labels).
UrbanGB, urban road accidents coordinates labelled
Clustering / Univariate / 360180 Instances / 2 Features
Coordinates (longitude and latitude) of 360177 road accidents occurred in urban areas in Great Britain, and labelled according to the urban center where they occurred (469 possible labels).

Clustering, Causal-Discovery

Multivariate, Sequential, Time-Series, Domain-Theo

Taxi Service Trajectory – Prediction Challenge, EC
Clustering, Causal-Discovery / Multivariate, Sequential, Time-Series, Domain-Theo / 1710000 Instances / 9 Features
An accurate dataset describing trajectories performed by all the 442 taxis running in the city of Porto, in Portugal.

Clustering, Other

Sequential, Text, Other

Cisco Secure Workload Networks of Computing Hosts
Clustering, Other / Sequential, Text, Other / 1000000 Instances
This dataset contains 22 disjoint graphs where the edges are collectedover several consecutive hours, across different days, reflectingcommunications (TCP and UDP) of various distributed applications indifferent enterprises, useful for developing graph algorithms, datamining and discovery of function and structure, unsupervised andpossibly supervised machine learning (including graph clustering andcommunity discovery). Ground truth grouping information is providedfor two of the graphs (grouping of the nodes, based on function orrole of the host). Please see the README file.
このデータセットには、エッジが異なる日をまたいで数時間連続して収集される22のバラバラなグラフが含まれており、さまざまな企業のさまざまな分散アプリケーションの通信(TCPおよびUDP)を反映しており、グラフアルゴリズムの開発、データマイニング、機能と構造の発見、教師なしおよび教師ありの機械学習(グラフクラスタリングとコミュニティ検出を含む)に役立ちます。グラウンド トゥルースのグループ化情報は、2つのグラフ(ホストの機能またはロールに基づくノードのグループ化)に対して提供されます。READMEファイルをご覧ください。


Hierarchical Sales Data
Clustering, Other / Time-Series / 1800 Instances / 237 Features
This dataset contains hierarchical sales data gathered from an Italian grocery store



Function Finding
Function-Learning / null / 352 Instances
Cases collected mostly from investigations in physical science; intention is to evaluate function-finding algorithms



Other / Multivariate / 17760000 Instances / 2160000 Features
KASANDR is a novel, publicly available collection for recommendation systems that records the behavior of customers of the European leader in e-Commerce advertising, Kelkoo.

Multivariate, Image

Other / Multivariate, Image / 1020 Instances
Little Documentation


Statlog Project
Other / Other / 1 Instances
Various Databases: Vehicle Silhouettes, Landsat Satellite, Shuttle, Australian Credit Approval, Heart Disease, Image Segmentation, German Credit
様々なデータベース 車両のシルエット、ランドサットサテライト、シャトル、オーストラリアのクレジット承認、心臓病、画像セグメンテーション、ドイツのクレジット
El Nino
Other / Other / 178080 Instances / 12 Features
The data set contains oceanographic and surface meteorological readings taken from a series of buoys positioned throughout the equatorial Pacific.


Other / Sequential / 3960000 Instances / 4 Features
Since there is no numerical sequential data stream available in standard data sets, this data set is generated from the original T40I10D100K data set

Sequential, Text, Image

Other / Sequential, Text, Image / 111 Instances
In this work, I have developed an Offline Handwritten Text Recognition (HTR) model architecture based on Neural Networks that can be taught to recognise whole pages of handwritten Bangla (Bengali) text without image segmentation. Bengali being a resource-constrained Indic language, there is a lack of proper annotated dataset consisting scanned images of Bangla handwritten scripts. In this work, I have introduced a new dataset, `Bongabdo’, which consists of full-page handwritten scripts collected from a wide variety of contributors of various age groups, occupation and gender. Further, recently proposed State-of-the-art Image-to-Sequence architecture with different settings of hyperparameters have been applied on these images and they have been evaluated in terms of Character Error Rate (CER), Word Error Rate (WER) and Sequence Error Rate (SER) to finally come up with a comparative study.


Dataset based on UWB for Clinical Establishments
Other / Tabular / 608 Instances / 8 Features
The authors come forth with a data set acquired from an intelligent surveillance system based on the bleeding edge technology – Ultra wide band technology. The intelligent surveillance system is proposed to prefect the movement of patients in and out of hospitals and other clinical establishments. The raw data is amassed from UWB anchors and tags affixed in the clinical arena using a wearable tag. The chronophagous behaviour of following up on the records of patients with respect to their arrival and departure manually is abhorred using the proposed surveillance system. The data described in the manuscript is a result of the system implemented in an area of 12.5m X 16.5m inside a hospital premises.


Turkish User Reviews
Other / Text / 37060 Instances
This dataset contains Turkish comments made by customers on products (computer, tea machine, head phones, modem, parfume, mobile phone, TV, usb)sold on a website. This dataset created by Asst. Prof. Dr. Ekin Ekinci and Prof. Sevinç İlhan Omurca. Please refer to the study “An alternative word embedding approach for knowledge representation in online consumers’ reviews” when using this dataset.
このデータセットには、ウェブサイト上で販売されている商品(コンピュータ、お茶の機械、ヘッドフォン、モデム、香水、携帯電話、テレビ、USB)に対する、顧客のトルコ語のコメントが含まれています。このデータセットはEkin Ekinci助教授とSevinç İlhan Omurca教授によって作成されました。このデータセットを使用する際には、「An alternative word embedding approach for knowledge representation in online consumers’ reviews(オンライン消費者のレビューにおける知識表現のための代替的な単語埋め込みアプローチ)」という研究を参照してください。



Recommendation / Multivariate / 48000000 Instances
PANDOR is a novel and publicly available dataset for online recommendation provided by Purch (http://www.purch.com/).


Transactional, Sequential

Entree Chicago Recommendation Data
Recommender-Systems / Transactional, Sequential / 50670 Instances
This data contains a record of user interactions with the Entree Chicago restaurant recommendation system.
このデータには、Entree Chicagoのレストラン推薦システムとユーザーとのやりとりの記録が含まれています。


Anonymous Microsoft Web Data
Recommender-Systems / null / 37710 Instances / 294 Features
Log of anonymous users of www.microsoft.com; predict areas of the web site a user visited based on data on other areas the user visited.



Relative location of CT slices on axial axis
Regression / Domain-Theory / 53500 Instances / 386 Features
The dataset consists of 384 features extracted from CT images. The class variable is numeric and denotes the relative location of the CT slice on the axial axis of the human body.


Year Prediction MSD
Regression / Multivariate / 515350 Instances
Prediction of the release year of a song from audio features. Songs are mostly western, commercial tracks ranging from 1922 to 2011, with a peak in the year 2000s.
Yacht Hydrodynamics
Regression / Multivariate / 308 Instances / 7 Features
Delft data set, used to predict the hydodynamic performance of sailing yachts from dimensions and velocity.
Wave Energy Converters
Regression / Multivariate / 288000 Instances / 49 Features
This data set consists of positions and absorbed power outputs of wave energy converters (WECs) in four real wave scenarios from the southern coast of Australia.
Wave Energy Converters
Regression / Multivariate / 288000 Instances / 49 Features
This data set consists of positions and absorbed power outputs of wave energy converters (WECs) in four real wave scenarios from the southern coast of Australia.
Traffic Flow Forecasting
Regression / Multivariate / 2100 Instances
The task for this dataset is to forecast the spatio-temporal traffic volume based on the historical traffic volume and other features in neighboring locations.
Synchronous Machine
Regression / Multivariate / 557 Instances / 5 Features
Synchronous motors (SMs) are AC motors with constant speed.A SM dataset is obtained from a real experimental set. The task is to create the strong models to estimate the excitation current of SM.
Synchronous Motor (SM)は、一定の速度を持つ交流モーターです。SMのデータセットは、実際の実験セットから得られます。タスクは、SMの励磁電流を推定するための強力なモデルを作成することです。
Superconductivty Data
Regression / Multivariate / 21260 Instances / 81 Features
Two file s contain data on 21263 superconductors and their relevant features.
Stock Portfolio Performance
Regression / Multivariate / 315 Instances
The data set of performances of weighted scoring stock portfolios are obtained with mixture design from the US stock market historical database.
Steel Industry Energy Consumption
Regression / Multivariate / 35040 Instances / 11 Features
The data is collected from a smart small-scale steel industry in South Korea.
Solar Flare
Regression / Multivariate / 1390 Instances / 10 Features
Each class attribute counts the number of solar flares of a certain class that occur in a 24 hour period
SkillCraft1 Master Table Dataset
Regression / Multivariate / 3400 Instances / 20 Features
This data was used in Thompson et al. (2013). A list of possible game actions is discussed in Thompson, Blair, Chen, & Henrey (2013).
このデータは、Thompsonら(2013)で使用されました。可能性のあるゲームアクションのリストは、Thompson, Blair, Chen, & Henrey (2013)で議論されています。
Regression / Multivariate / 167 Instances / 4 Features
Data was from a simulation of a servo system
Seoul Bike Sharing Demand
Regression / Multivariate / 8760 Instances / 14 Features
The dataset contains count of public bicycles rented per hour in the Seoul Bike Sharing System, with corresponding weather data and holiday information
SGEMM GPU kernel performance
Regression / Multivariate / 241600 Instances / 18 Features
Running times for multiplying two 2048 x 2048 matrices using a GPU OpenCL SGEMM kernel with varying parameters (using the library ‘CLTune’).
パラメータを変化させたGPU OpenCL SGEMMカーネルを使用して、2つの2048×2048行列を乗算するための実行時間(ライブラリ「CLTune」を使用)。
Residential Building
Regression / Multivariate / 372 Instances
Data set includes construction cost, sale prices, project variables, and economic variables corresponding to real estate single-family residential apartments in Tehran, Iran.
Real Estate Valuation
Regression / Multivariate / 414 Instances / 6 Features
The real estate valuation is a regression problem. The market historical data set of real estate valuation are collected from Sindian Dist., New Taipei City, Taiwan.
不動産評価は回帰問題です。不動産評価の市場履歴データセットは、台湾の新北市のSindian Dist.から収集されています。
QSAR fish toxicity
Regression / Multivariate / 908 Instances
Data set containing values for 6 attributes (molecular descriptors) of 908 chemicals used to predict quantitative acute aquatic toxicity towards the fish Pimephales promelas (fathead minnow).
Pimephales promelas (fathead minnow)に対する定量的な急性水生毒性を予測するために使用された908種類の化学物質の6つの属性(分子記述子)の値を含むデータセット。
QSAR fish bioconcentration factor (BCF)
Regression / Multivariate / 1060 Instances / 7 Features
Experimental bioconcentration factor (BCF) for 1056 molecules and binary fingeprints (extended connectivity) to be used for QSAR modeling.
QSAR aquatic toxicity
Regression / Multivariate / 546 Instances / 9 Features
Data set containing values for 8 attributes (molecular descriptors) of 546 chemicals used to predict quantitative acute aquatic toxicity towards Daphnia Magna..
Physicochemical Properties of Protein Tertiary Str
Regression / Multivariate / 45730 Instances / 9 Features
This is a data set of Physicochemical Properties of Protein Tertiary Structure. The data set is taken from CASP 5-9. There are 45730 decoys and size varying from 0 to 21 armstrong.
タンパク質三次構造の物理化学的性質のデータセットです。CASP 5-9からのデータセットです。45730個のデコイがあり、サイズは0から21 armstrongまで様々です。
Online Video Characteristics and Transcoding Time
Regression / Multivariate / 168290 Instances / 11 Features
The dataset contains a million randomly sampled video instances listing 10 fundamental video characteristics along with the YouTube video ID.
Liver Disorders
Regression / Multivariate / 345 Instances / 5 Features
BUPA Medical Research Ltd. database donated by Richard S. Forsyth
Large-scale Wave Energy Farm
Regression / Multivariate / 63600 Instances / 148 Features
Wave energy is a rapidly advancing and promising renewable energy source that holds great potential for addressing the challenges of global warming and climate change. However, optimizing energy output in large wave farms presents a complex problem due to the expensive calculations required to account for hydrodynamic interactions between wave energy converters (WECs). Developing a fast and accurate surrogate model is crucial to overcome these challenges. In light of this, we have compiled an extensive WEC dataset that includes 54,000 and 9,600 configurations involving 49 and 100 WECs, coordination, power, q-factor, and total farm power output. The dataset was derived from a study published at the GECCO conference and received the prestigious Best Paper award. We want to acknowledge the support of the University of Adelaide Phoenix HPC service in conducting this research. For more details, please refer to the following link: https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1145/3377930.3390235.
KDD Cup 1998
Regression / Multivariate / 191780 Instances
This is the data set used for The Second International Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining Tools Competition, which was held in conjunction with KDD-98
Forest Fires
Regression / Multivariate / 517 Instances
This is a difficult regression task, where the aim is to predict the burned area of forest fires, in the northeast region of Portugal, by using meteorological and other data (see details at: http://www.dsi.uminho.pt/~pcortez/forestfires).
Facebook Metrics
Regression / Multivariate / 500 Instances
Facebook performance metrics of a renowned cosmetic’s brand Facebook page.
Facebook Comment Volume
Regression / Multivariate / 40950 Instances
Instances in this dataset contain features extracted from facebook posts. The task associated with the data is to predict how many comments the post will receive.
Condition Based Maintenance of Naval Propulsion Pl
Regression / Multivariate / 11930 Instances / 16 Features
Data have been generated from a sophisticated simulator of a Gas Turbines (GT), mounted on a Frigate characterized by a COmbined Diesel eLectric And Gas (CODLAG) propulsion plant type.
データは、COmbined Diesel eLectric And Gas(CODLAG)推進プラントタイプを特徴とするフリゲート船に搭載されたガスタービン(GT)の高度なシミュレータから生成されています。
Concrete Slump Test
Regression / Multivariate / 103 Instances / 10 Features
Concrete is a highly complex material. The slump flow of concrete is not only determined by the water content, but that is also influenced by other concrete ingredients.
Concrete Compressive Strength
Regression / Multivariate / 1030 Instances / 9 Features
Concrete is the most important material in civil engineering. The concrete compressive strength is a highly nonlinear function of age and ingredients.
Computer Hardware
Regression / Multivariate / 209 Instances / 9 Features
Relative CPU Performance Data, described in terms of its cycle time, memory size, etc.
Communities and Crime Unnormalized
Regression / Multivariate / 2220 Instances / 147 Features
Communities in the US. Data combines socio-economic data from the ’90 Census, law enforcement data from the 1990 Law Enforcement Management and Admin Stats survey, and crime data from the 1995 FBI UCR
米国内のコミュニティ。このデータは、1990年の国勢調査の社会経済データ、1990年のLaw Enforcement Management and Admin Stats調査の法執行データ、1995年のFBI UCRの犯罪データを組み合わせたものです。
Communities and Crime
Regression / Multivariate / 1990 Instances / 128 Features
Communities within the United States. The data combines socio-economic data from the 1990 US Census, law enforcement data from the 1990 US LEMAS survey, and crime data from the 1995 FBI UCR.
米国内のコミュニティ。このデータは、1990年の米国国勢調査による社会経済データ、1990年の米国LEMAS調査による法執行データ、1995年のFBI UCRによる犯罪データを組み合わせたものです。
Combined Cycle Power Plant
Regression / Multivariate / 9570 Instances / 4 Features
The dataset contains 9568 data points collected from a Combined Cycle Power Plant over 6 years (2006-2011), when the plant was set to work with full load.
Challenger USA Space Shuttle O-Ring
Regression / Multivariate / 23 Instances / 4 Features
Task: predict the number of O-rings that experience thermal distress on a flight at 31 degrees F given data on the previous 23 shuttle flights
Regression / Multivariate / 60020 Instances / 281 Features
Instances in this dataset contain features extracted from blog posts. The task associated with the data is to predict how many comments the post will receive.
Bike Sharing
Regression / Multivariate / 17390 Instances / 13 Features
This dataset contains the hourly and daily count of rental bikes between years 2011 and 2012 in Capital bikeshare system with the corresponding weather and seasonal information.
Bias correction of numerical prediction model temp
Regression / Multivariate / 7750 Instances / 7 Features
It contains fourteen numerical weather prediction (NWP)’s meteorological forecast data, two in-situ observations, and five geographical auxiliary variables over Seoul, South Korea in the summer.
Bias correction of numerical prediction model temp
Regression / Multivariate / 7750 Instances / 7 Features
It contains fourteen numerical weather prediction (NWP)’s meteorological forecast data, two in-situ observations, and five geographical auxiliary variables over Seoul, South Korea in the summer.
Average Localization Error (ALE) in sensor node lo
Regression / Multivariate / 107 Instances / 6 Features
This data set can be used to test any regression-based machine learning algorithm. You can predict the ALE variable using four features.
このデータ セットは、回帰ベースの機械学習アルゴリズムをテストするために使用できます。ALE変数は、4つの特徴量を使用して予測できます。
Average Localization Error (ALE) in sensor node lo
Regression / Multivariate / 107 Instances / 6 Features
This data set can be used to test any regression-based machine learning algorithm. You can predict the ALE variable using four features.
Auto MPG
Regression / Multivariate / 398 Instances / 7 Features
Revised from CMU StatLib library, data concerns city-cycle fuel consumption
Airfoil Self-Noise
Regression / Multivariate / 1500 Instances / 6 Features
NASA data set, obtained from a series of aerodynamic and acoustic tests of two and three-dimensional airfoil blade sections conducted in an anechoic wind tunnel.

Multivariate, Sequential, Time-Series

Metro Interstate Traffic Volume
Regression / Multivariate, Sequential, Time-Series / 48200 Instances / 9 Features
Hourly Minneapolis-St Paul, MN traffic volume for westbound I-94. Includes weather and holiday features from 2012-2018.
GNFUV Unmanned Surface Vehicles Sensor Data Set 2
Regression / Multivariate, Sequential, Time-Series / 10190 Instances / 6 Features
The data-set contains eight (2×4) data-sets of mobile sensor readings data (humidity, temperature) corresponding to a swarm of four Unmanned Surface Vehicles (USVs) in a test-bed, Athens, Greece.
このデータセットには、ギリシャのアテネ(アテネ)にあるテストベッド内の4台のUSV(Unmanned Surface Vehicles)の群に対応する8つのモバイルセンサの読み取りデータ(湿度、温度)が含まれています。

Multivariate, Sequential, Time-Series, Text

Regression / Multivariate, Sequential, Time-Series, Text / 4140 Instances / 24 Features
This dataset is collected from a monitor system mounted in a domotic house. It corresponds to approximately 40 days of monitoring data.

Multivariate, Time-Series

Simulated data for survival modelling
Regression / Multivariate, Time-Series / 120000 Instances / 25 Features
A variety of survival data, with carefully controlled event and censor rates, is available to allow people to develop and test new approaches to survival modelling.
Power Consumption of Tetouan City
Regression / Multivariate, Time-Series / 52420 Instances / 6 Features
This dataset is related to power consumption of three different distribution networks of Tetouan city which is located in north Morocco.
Regression / Multivariate, Time-Series / 8300000 Instances / 11 Features
PPG-DaLiA contains data from 15 subjects wearing physiological and motion sensors, providing a PPG dataset for motion compensation and heart rate estimation in Daily Life Activities.
PM2.5 Data of Five Chinese Cities
Regression / Multivariate, Time-Series / 52850 Instances / 86 Features
This hourly data set contains the PM2.5 data in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chengdu and Shenyang. Meanwhile, meteorological data for each city are also included.
Greenhouse Gas Observing Network
Regression / Multivariate, Time-Series / 2920 Instances / 5230 Features
Design an observing network to monitor emissions of a greenhouse gas (GHG) in California given time series of synthetic observations and tracers from weather model simulations.
カリフォルニアの温室効果ガス(GHG)の排出量を監視する観測ネットワークを設計し、気象モデル シミュレーションからの合成観測とトレーサーの時系列を前提としています。
GNFUV Unmanned Surface Vehicles Sensor Data
Regression / Multivariate, Time-Series / 1670 Instances / 5 Features
The data-set contains four (4) sets of mobile sensor readings data (humidity, temperature) corresponding to a swarm of four (4) Unmanned Surface Vehicles (USVs) in a test-bed in Athens (Greece).
データセットには、アテネ(ギリシャ)のテストベッドに設置された4台のUSV(Unmanned Surface Vehicles)の群れに対応する4セットのモバイルセンサー読み取りデータ(湿度、温度)が含まれています。
Beijing PM2.5
Regression / Multivariate, Time-Series / 43820 Instances
This hourly data set contains the PM2.5 data of US Embassy in Beijing. Meanwhile, meteorological data from Beijing Capital International Airport are also included.
Beijing Multi-Site Air Quality
Regression / Multivariate, Time-Series / 420770 Instances
This hourly data set considers 6 main air pollutants and 6 relevant meteorological variables at multiple sites in Beijing.
Appliances Energy Prediction
Regression / Multivariate, Time-Series / 19740 Instances / 29 Features
Experimental data used to create regression models of appliances energy use in a low energy building.
Air quality
Regression / Multivariate, Time-Series / 9360 Instances / 15 Features
Contains the responses of a gas multisensor device deployed on the field in an Italian city.

Multivariate, Time-Series, Text

Real-time Election Results: Portugal 2019
Regression / Multivariate, Time-Series, Text / 21640 Instances / 29 Features
Data set of the real-time election results of the 2019 Portuguese Parliamentary Election.
News Popularity in Multiple Social Media Platforms
Regression / Multivariate, Time-Series, Text / 93240 Instances / 11 Features
Large data set of news items and their respective social feedback on multiple platforms: Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn.


Water Quality Prediction
Regression / Other / 705 Instances
Here we want to forecast the spatio-temporal water quality in terms of the “power of hydrogen (pH)” value for the next day based on the input data, which is the historical data of other water measurement indices. The input data consists of daily samples for 36 sites, providing measurements related to pH values in Georgia, USA. The input features consist of 11 common indices including volume of dissolved oxygen, temperature, and specific conductance (see details in dataset). The output to predict is the measurement of ‘pH, water, unfiltered, field, standard units (Median)’.There are two major water systems to consider: one is centered on the city of Atlanta while the other is centered on the eastern coast of Georgia. This information indicates spatial dependency among different locations which are important to the forecast.For details of the data description, please refer to the file named README.docx.’Specific conductance, water, unfiltered, microsiemens per centimeter at 25 degrees Celsius (Maximum)’ ‘pH, water, unfiltered, field, standard units (Maximum)’ ‘pH, water, unfiltered, field, standard units (Minimum)’ ‘Specific conductance, water, unfiltered, microsiemens per centimeter at 25 degrees Celsius (Minimum)’ ‘Specific conductance, water, unfiltered, microsiemens per centimeter at 25 degrees Celsius (Mean)’ ‘Dissolved oxygen, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter (Maximum)’ ‘Dissolved oxygen, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter (Mean)’ ‘Dissolved oxygen, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter (Minimum)’ ‘Temperature, water, degrees Celsius (Mean)’ ‘Temperature, water, degrees Celsius (Minimum)’ ‘Temperature, water, degrees Celsius (Maximum)’
Traffic Flow Forecasting
Regression / Other / 2100 Instances
The task for this dataset is to forecast the spatio-temporal traffic volume based on the historical traffic volume and other features in neighboring locations.

Sequential, Multivariate, Time-Series

Micro Gas Turbine Electrical Energy Prediction
Regression / Sequential, Multivariate, Time-Series / 71230 Instances / 1 Features
This dataset consists of measurements of electrical power corresponding to an input control signal over time, collected from a 3-kilowatt commercial micro gas turbine.

Sequential, Time-Series

Image Recognition Task Execution Times in Mobile E
Regression / Sequential, Time-Series / 4000 Instances / 2 Features
Recorded task execution times for four Edge Servers submitted by edge node; node sends images to servers for image recognition tasks. The servers perform the tasks and return the results to nodes.
エッジ ノードによって送信された4つのエッジ サーバーのタスク実行時間を記録。ノードは、画像認識タスクのために画像をサーバーに送信します。サーバーはタスクを実行し、結果をノードに返します。
Image Recognition Task Execution Times in Mobile E
Regression / Sequential, Time-Series / 4000 Instances / 2 Features
Recorded task execution times for four Edge Servers submitted by edge node; node sends images to servers for image recognition tasks. The servers perform the tasks and return the results to nodes.
エッジ ノードによって送信された4つのエッジ サーバーの記録されたタスク実行時間。ノードは、画像認識タスクのために画像をサーバーに送信します。サーバーはタスクを実行し、結果をノードに返します。


Parkinsons Telemonitoring
Regression / Tabular / 5880 Instances / 19 Features
Oxford Parkinson’s Disease Telemonitoring Dataset
LT-FS-ID: Intrusion detection in WSNs
Regression / Tabular / 182 Instances / 4 Features
There exist five columns in this dataset. The first four columns are features (i.e., area, sensing range, transmission range, number of sensor nodes), and the last column is the predictor or target variable (i.e., Number of barriers). This dataset is synthetically created through Monte-Carlo simulations.
Infrared Thermography Temperature
Regression / Tabular / 1020 Instances / 33 Features
The Infrared Thermography Temperature Dataset contains temperatures read from various locations of inferred images about patients, with the addition of oral temperatures measured for each individual. The 33 features consist of gender, age, ethnicity, ambiant temperature, humidity, distance, and other temperature readings from the thermal images. The dataset is intended to be used in a regression task to predict the oral temperature using the environment information as well as the thermal image readings.
2D elastodynamic metamaterials
Regression / Tabular / 20520 Instances / 1 Features
This dataset list the location and width of the first band gap for 10×10 pixel 2D elastic metamaterials.
181 early modern English plays: Transcriptions of
Regression / Tabular / 181 Instances
English plays (1585-1610), transcribed from early printed editions containing 181 plays. The plays as “samples” and the frequencies of the words appearing in those plays as “features” in the dataset.
181 early modern English plays: Transcriptions of
Regression / Tabular / 181 Instances
English plays (1585-1610), transcribed from early printed editions containing 181 plays. The plays as “samples” and the frequencies of the words appearing in those plays as “features” in the dataset.


Wikipedia Math Essentials
Regression / Time-Series / 731 Instances / 1070 Features
Contains Wikipedia pages about popular mathematics topics and the edges describe the links from one page to another. Features describe the number of daily visits between 2019 and 2021 March.
Wikipedia Math Essentials
Regression / Time-Series / 731 Instances / 1070 Features
Contains Wikipedia pages about popular mathematics topics and the edges describe the links from one page to another. Features describe the number of daily visits between 2019 and 2021 March.
Pedal Me Bicycle Deliveries
Regression / Time-Series / 36 Instances / 15 Features
A dataset of weekly bicycle package deliveries by Pedal Me in London during 2020 and 2021. Nodes in the graph represent geographical units and edges are proximity based mutual adjacency relationships.
2020年と2021年のロンドンのPedal Meによる毎週の自転車荷物配達のデータセット。グラフ内のノードは地理的単位を表し、エッジは近接性に基づく相互隣接関係です。
Hungarian Chickenpox Cases
Regression / Time-Series / 521 Instances / 20 Features
A spatio-temporal dataset of weekly chickenpox cases from Hungary. The dataset consists of a county-level adjacency matrix and time series of the county-level reported cases between 2005 and 2015.
Daily Demand Forecasting Orders
Regression / Time-Series / 60 Instances / 13 Features
The dataset was collected during 60 days, this is a real database of a brazilian logistics company.


Carbon Nanotubes
Regression / Univariate / 10720 Instances / 8 Features
This dataset contains 10721 initial and calculated atomic coordinates of carbon nanotubes.


Regression / null
This dataset contain 10 Trajectories of IIWA14-R820 Gazebo robot model. Based in paper ‘Improving the Inverse Dynamics Model of the KUKA LWR IV+ using Independent Joint Learning’ of Shareef (2016).
このデータセットには、IIWA14-R820ガゼボロボットモデルの10個の軌跡が含まれています。Shareef (2016)の論文「Improving the Inverse Dynamics Model of the KUKA LWR IV+ using Independent Joint Learning」に基づいています。

Regression, Classification

Time-Series, Multivariate

Buzz in social media
Regression, Classification / Time-Series, Multivariate / 140000 Instances / 77 Features
This data-set contains examples of buzz events from two different social networks: Twitter, and Tom’s Hardware, a forum network focusing on new technology with more conservative dynamics.

Regression, Clustering


Query Analytics Workloads Dataset
Regression, Clustering / Multivariate / 260000 Instances / 8 Features
The data-set contains three (3) sets of range/radius query workloads from Gaussian distributions over a real dataset; Each query is associated with aggregate scalar values (count/sum/average).
Gas Turbine CO and NOx Emission Data Set
Regression, Clustering / Multivariate / 36730 Instances / 11 Features
The dataset contains 36733 instances of 11 sensor measures aggregated over one hour, from a gas turbine located in Turkey for the purpose of studying flue gas emissions, namely CO and NOx.

Multivariate, Sequential

Incident management process enriched event log
Regression, Clustering / Multivariate, Sequential / 141710 Instances / 36 Features
This event log was extracted from data gathered from the audit system of an instance of the ServiceNow platform used by an IT company and enriched with data loaded from a relational database.

Multivariate, Time-Series

Individual Household Electric Power Consumption
Regression, Clustering / Multivariate, Time-Series / 2080000 Instances / 9 Features
Measurements of electric power consumption in one household with a one-minute sampling rate over a period of almost 4 years. Different electrical quantities and some sub-metering values are available.

Sequential, Text

3D Road Network (North Jutland, Denmark)
Regression, Clustering / Sequential, Text / 434870 Instances / 4 Features
3D road network with highly accurate elevation information (+-20cm) from Denmark used in eco-routing and fuel/Co2-estimation routing algorithms.


Regression, Clustering / Time-Series / 370 Instances / 140260 Features
This data set contains electricity consumption of 370 points/clients.

Regression, Clustering, Causal-Discovery


Regression, Clustering, Causal-Discovery / Multivariate / 913 Instances / 53 Features
Survey of faculty members from two Spanish universities on teaching uses of Wikipedia

Time-Series, Domain-Theory

Amazon Access Samples
Regression, Clustering, Causal-Discovery / Time-Series, Domain-Theory / 30000 Instances / 20000 Features
Amazon’s InfoSec is getting smarter about the way Access data is leveraged. This is an anonymized sample of access provisioned within the company.

Regression, Description


Insurance Company Benchmark (COIL 2000)
Regression, Description / Multivariate / 9000 Instances / 86 Features
This data set used in the CoIL 2000 Challenge contains information on customers of an insurance company. The data consists of 86 variables and includes product usage data and socio-demographic data
CoIL 2000チャレンジで使用されたこのデータセットには、保険会社の顧客に関する情報が含まれています。データは86の変数で構成され、製品使用データと社会統計学的データが含まれています。



Relational-Learning / Relational / 104 Instances / 12 Features
Relational dataset



DGP2 – The Second Data Generation Program
null / Data-Generator
Generates application domains based on specific parameters, number of features, and proportion of positive to negative examples


Student Loan Relational
null / Domain-Theory / 1000 Instances
Student Loan Relational Domain
Qualitative Structure Activity Relationships
null / Domain-Theory
Two sets of datasets are given: pyrimidines and triazines
null / Domain-Theory
Assorted domains like blocksworld, eightpuzzle, and schedworld.
blocksworld, eightpuzzle, schedworldなどのドメインの詰め合わせ。
Othello Domain Theory
null / Domain-Theory
Used in research to generate features for an inductive learning system
Moral Reasoner
null / Domain-Theory / 202 Instances
Horn-clause model that qualitatively simulates moral reasoning; Theory includes negated literals
Mobile Robots
null / Domain-Theory
Learning concepts from sensor data of a mobile robot; set of data sets
Logic Theorist
null / Domain-Theory
All code for Logic Theorist
Logic Theoristのすべてのコード
Economic Sanctions
null / Domain-Theory
Domain Theory on Economic Sanctions; Undocumented
Chess (Domain Theories)
null / Domain-Theory
6 different domain theories for generating legal moves of chess


Restaurant & consumer data
null / Multivariate / 138 Instances / 47 Features
The dataset was obtained from a recommender system prototype. The task was to generate a top-n list of restaurants according to the consumer preferences.
Labor Relations
null / Multivariate / 57 Instances / 16 Features
From Collective Bargaining Review
Internet Usage Data
null / Multivariate / 10100 Instances / 72 Features
This data contains general demographic information on internet users in 1997.
IPUMS Census Database
null / Multivariate / 256930 Instances / 61 Features
This data set contains unweighted PUMS census data from the Los Angeles and Long Beach areas for the years 1970, 1980, and 1990.
Corel Image Features
null / Multivariate / 68040 Instances / 89 Features
This dataset contains image features extracted from a Corel image collection. Four sets of features are available based on the color histogram, color histogram layout, color moments, and co-occurence
Connectionist Bench (Nettalk Corpus)
null / Multivariate / 20010 Instances / 4 Features
The file “nettalk.data” contains a list of 20,008 English words, along with a phonetic transcription for each word. The task is to train a network to produce the proper phonemes
Coil 1999 Competition Data
null / Multivariate / 340 Instances / 17 Features
This data set is from the 1999 Computational Intelligence and Learning (COIL) competition. The data contains measurements of river chemical concentrations and algae densities.

Multivariate, Relational

null / Multivariate, Relational / 10000 Instances
This data set contains a list of over 10000 films including many older, odd, and cult films. There is information on actors, casts, directors, producers, studios, etc.

Multivariate, Sequential, Time-Series

Predict keywords activities in a online social med
null / Multivariate, Sequential, Time-Series / 51 Instances / 35 Features
The data from Twitter was collected during 360 consecutive days. It was done by querying 1497 English keywords sampled from Wikipedia. This dataset is proposed in a Learning to rank setting.

Multivariate, Time-Series

Pioneer-1 Mobile Robot Data
null / Multivariate, Time-Series
This dataset contains time series sensor readings of the Pioneer-1 mobile robot. The data is broken into experiences” in which the robot takes action for some period of time and experiences a control”
EMG dataset in Lower Limb
null / Multivariate, Time-Series / 132 Instances / 5 Features
3 different exercises: sitting, standing and walking in the muscles: biceps femoris, vastus medialis, rectus femoris and semitendinosus addition to goniometry in the exercises.
Dodgers Loop Sensor
null / Multivariate, Time-Series / 50400 Instances / 3 Features
Loop sensor data was collected for the Glendale on ramp for the 101 North freeway in Los Angeles
CalIt2 Building People Counts
null / Multivariate, Time-Series / 10080 Instances / 4 Features
This data comes from the main door of the CalIt2 building at UCI.


M. Tuberculosis Genes
null / Relational
Data giving characteristics of each ORF (potential gene) in the M. tuberculosis bacterium. Sequence, homology (similarity to other genes) and structural information, and function (if known) are provided
E. Coli Genes
null / Relational
Data giving characteristics of each ORF (potential gene) in the E. coli genome. Sequence, homology (similarity to other genes) and structural information, and function (if known) are provided.


MSNBC.com Anonymous Web Data
null / Sequential / 989820 Instances
This data describes the page visits of users who visited msnbc.com on September 28, 1999. Visits are recorded at the level of URL category (see description) and are recorded in time order.


Twenty Newsgroups
null / Text / 20000 Instances
This data set consists of 20000 messages taken from 20 newsgroups.
OpinRank Review Dataset
null / Text
This data set contains user reviews of cars and and hotels collected from Tripadvisor (~259,000 reviews) and Edmunds (~42,230 reviews).
このデータセットには、Tripadvisor (~259,000レビュー)とEdmunds (~42,230レビュー)から収集した車やホテルのユーザーレビューが含まれています。
NSF Research Award Abstracts 1990-2003
null / Text / 129000 Instances
This data set consists of (a) 129,000 abstracts describing NSF awards for basic research, (b) bag-of-word data files extracted from the abstracts, (c) a list of words used for indexing the bag-of-word
null / Text / 401 Instances / 1 Features
This dataset includes Online Textual Reviews from both online (e.g., TripAdvisor) and offline (e.g., Guests’ book) sources from the Areias do Seixo Eco-Resort.
このデータセットには、Areias do Seixo Eco-Resortのオンラインのテキストレビュー(TripAdvisorなど)とオフラインのテキストレビュー(Guestのbookなど)が含まれています。

Text, Sequential

UNIX User Data
null / Text, Sequential
This file contains 9 sets of sanitized user data drawn from the command histories of 8 UNIX computer users at Purdue over the course of up to 2 years.

Univariate, Time-Series

Pseudo Periodic Synthetic Time Series
null / Univariate, Time-Series / 100000 Instances
This data set is designed for testing indexing schemes in time series databases. The data appears highly periodic, but never exactly repeats itself.
Bach Chorales
null / Univariate, Time-Series / 100 Instances / 6 Features
Time-series data based on chorales; challenge is to learn generative grammar; data in Lisp


null / null
Various datasets without documentation (feel free to explore!)
Protein Data
null / null
EBL Domain Theories
null / null
Assorted small-scale domain theories
Document Understanding
null / null
Five concepts, expressed as predicates, to be learned
UCI 機械学習リポジトリのデータセット一覧

UCI 機械学習リポジトリのデータセット一覧」への2件のフィードバック
